Now showing items 321-340 of 377

    • IMPATLAS - Geographic database and map-generating system. 

      Torsvik, Trond H. (NGU-Rapport (92.223), Report, 1992)
      IMPATLAS is a PC based database management system which handles approximately 3 Mbyte of geographic vector-data (X-Y data), including the Norwegian coastline, islands, rivers, lakes, roads, country-boundaries and petrophysical ...
    • IMPPET - Petrophysical database system 

      Torsvik, Trond H.; Olesen, Odleiv (NGU-Rapport (92.275), Report, 1992)
      IMPPET is a database program for the IBM-PC which can perform all of the basic processing and plotting tasks usually associated with the storage and presentation of petrophysical data. IMPPET is menudriven and easy to use. ...
    • IMPPROF - Magnetic and Gravity Profile Database 

      Torsvik, Trond H.; Olesen, Odleiv (NGU-Rapport (93.065), Report, 1993)
      IMPPROF is an interactive database system for storage and manipulation of magnetic and gravity profiles. Profiles can be displayed together with gridded image files and\/or geographic vector data. The system principally ...
    • Informasjonssystemet ved Norges geologiske undersøkelse 

      Bottenvik, G.T.; Rindstad, B.I.; Ryghaug, P. (NGU-Rapport (88.115), Report, 1988)
      NGU skal bidra til et best mulig grunnlag for forvaltning av Norges natur- ressurser og til å gi samfunnet kunnskaper om landets geologi. Som et ledd i dette arbeidet er det opprettet et informasjonssystem for geologiske ...
    • Instructions for the systematisation of geological data and compilation of the registration form for the Ore Data Base 

      Ihlen, Peter M.; Sandstad, Jan Sverre; Padget, Peter; Furuhaug, Leif (NGU-Rapport (97.100), Report, 1997)
      This report provides guidance for systematisation of geological data from the individual deposits to be stores in the Ore Data Base. This is built on NGUs former data base (FORIBA) (i.e.ore deposits registered in the Mineral ...
    • Kartlegging av spesialavfall i deponier og forurenset grunn. Brukerveiledning for avfallsdeponidatabasen. 

      Morland, Einar; Morland, Geir (NGU-Rapport (90.159), Report, 1990)
      Norges geologiske undersøkelse (NGU) har på oppdrag fra Statens Forurensnings- tilsyn (SFT) foretatt en kartlegging av deponert spesialavfall i avfalls- fyllinger og av områder med forurenset grunn. Kartleggingen er ...
    • Kartlegging av spesialavfall i deponier og forurenset grunn. Systemdokumentasjon for avfallsdeponidatabasen. 

      Morland, Einar; Morland, Geir (NGU-Rapport (91.142), Report, 1991)
      Norges geologiske undersøkelse (NGU) har på oppdrag fra Statens forurensnings- tilsyn (SFT) foretatt en kartlegging av deponert spesialavfall i avfalls- fyllinger og av områder med forurenset grunn. Kartleggingen er ...
    • Kravspesifikasjon for Ressursregnskap (Dok. 6811.26) 

      Morland, Einar (NGU-Rapport (93.075), Report, 1993)
      Overføring av Ressursregnskap for grus og pukk er en deloppgave i prosjektet for overføring av Grus- og Pukk-registeret til UNIX og ORACLE. CASE*METHOD benyttes i prosjektet, og denne kravspesifikasjon inneholder res- ...
    • Nasjonal database for grunnundersøkelser (NADAG) - forundersøkelse 

      Solberg, Inger-Lise; Høst, Jan; Hansen, Louise; de Beer, Hans; Nordahl, Bo; Ryghaug, Per (NGU-Rapport (2012.054), Report, 2012)
      Denne rapporten er en forundersøkelse knyttet til arbeidet med å etablere en Nasjonal database for grunnundersøkelser i Norge. Det finnes en mengde ulike typer data fra grunnundersøkelser, bl.a. informasjon fra alle typer ...
    • NGU - temasenter for geologiske miljødata: handlingsplan med status- rapport pr. 09-92 

      Bjerkli, Kristian; Henriksen, Grete (NGU-Rapport (92.286), Report, 1992)
      I forbindelse med etableringen av NGU som temasenter for geologiske miljødata, er det gitt en sammenfatning av: - NGUs ansvarsforhold og organisering - Status pr. september -92 for databaseutvikling - Opplegg og handlingsplan ...
    • NGU GEOCHRON: Database and analysis package for Norwegian isotope geochronology 

      Torsvik, Trond H.; Eide, Elizabeth A. (NGU-Rapport (98.003), Report, 1998)
      Isotope geochronologic data analysis is an integral aspect of nearly every type of tectonic study. However, no regional compilation of Norwegian geo- chronologic data has been assembled since 1986 (Kullerud and co-workers ...
    • NGUs Referansearkiv. Brukerveiledning. 

      Minken, T. (NGU-Rapport (87.044), Report, 1987)
      Brukerveiledningen gir innføring i NGUs Referansearkiv som er en database i NGUs Informasjonssystem.
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Current production in 2001 and potential. April 2002. 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2002.037), Report, 2002)
      The Geological Survey of Norway is in the process of making an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and potential ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Production in 2002 and potential. 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2003.042), Report, 2003)
      The Geological Survey of Norway is in process of compiling an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production, as well as ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Production in 2003 and potential. 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2004.018), Report, 2004)
      The Geological Survey of Norway is in the process of compiling an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production, as well ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates: current production in 1997 and potential resources. March 1998 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (98.067), Report, 1998)
      The Geological Survey of Norway is in the process of making an inventory of hard-rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a cata- logue of Norwegian coastal quarries at present in production and of ...
    • Norways coastal aggregate. Current production in 1999 and potential. April 2000. 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2000.055), Report, 2000)
      The Geological survey of Norway is in the process of making out an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries at present in production and ...
    • Norways coastal aggregates. Current production in 1998 and potential. May 1999. 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (99.055), Report, 1999)
      The Geological Survey of Norway is in the process of making out an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries at present in production and ...
    • Norways coastal aggregates. Current production in 2000 and potential. April 2001 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2001.033), Report, 2001)
      The Geological Survey of Norway is in the process of making out an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries at present in production and ...
    • Oppdatering av Grus- og pukkdatabasen i Finnmark fylke 

      Hugdahl, Helge; Neeb, Peer-Richard; Erichsen, Eyolf; Dahl, Rolv (NGU-Rapport (2010.003), Report, 2010)
      Sommeren 2008 ble det startet en oppdatering av de viktigste grus- og pukkforekomstene i utvalgte deler av Finnmark fylke i samarbeid med FeFo (Finnmarkseiendommen). Siktemålet var dels å etablere en oppdatert ressursoversikt ...