Now showing items 41-60 of 76

    • Konsentrasjon av syreløste grunnstoffer i morene fra Riednjavarri 

      Finne, Tor Erik (NGU-Rapport (88.216), Report, 1988)
      Prøver av morenens C-horisont fra 285 lokaliteter i stikningsnett i Riednjavarri er analysert for syreløselig mengde av 27 grunnstoffer, deriblant Ba og Cu. Resultatene er fremstilt på kart i M 1:50 000 i A4-format. Indika- ...
    • Kvartære avleiringer i Østfold 

      Rekstad, J. (NGU (91), Journal article, 1922)
      This paper is a contribution to the quaternary geolgoy of the south-eastern part of Norway. The district lies between the Oslo Fjord and the Swedish frontier. The map, fig. 1 shows the direction of the movement of ice ...
    • Kvartærgeologisk kart Vega 1726-2 M 1:50 000 

      Sveian, H.; Høgaas, F.; Olsen, L.; Sørensen, E. (Map, 2018)
    • Kvartærgeologiske undersøkelser i Randsverkområdet, Jotunheimen. 

      Jørgensen, Per (NGU (228), Journal article, 1964)
      A short account is given of the Late Pleistocene deglaciation and drainage in an area of Jotunheimen (fig. 2). Already at the beginning the mountain tops emerges through the ice sheet, and it is possible to follow the ...
    • Listerlandet 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (32), Journal article, 1901)
      Forkortet: The Listaland is a low treeless tract of land at the open sea somewhat to the West of Lindesnes the southernmost promontory of Norway. The Listaland consists of moraine; its boundary line against the mountainous ...
    • Lokalglaciasjon på Sunnmøre. (On the mountain glaciation of Sunnmøre, West-Norway.) 

      Reite, Arne J. (NGU (247), Journal article, 1967)
      Terminal moraines deposited by cirque glaciers are described from Sunnmøre, West Norway. Radiocarbon dating indicates that the fjord districts were free from inland ice in Allerød time. The mountain glaciation most likely ...
    • Masterekskursjon 2012, kvartærgeologi - Trøndelag og Nordland 

      Østergaard, Celine Djuve; Olsen, Lars; Øygard, Linda Bergheim; Natterøy, Therese (NGU-Rapport (2012.064), Report, 2012)
      Rapporten er skrevet av deltakerne på ekskursjonen (masterstudenter fra UiB), med innspill fra faglig ansvarlig og leder (Lars Olsen, NGU\/UiB). Tematisk omhandler rapporten \u00E9n del med innledning og litteraturliste ...
    • Mineral soil geochemistry in Nord-Trøndelag and Fosen 

      Finne, Tor Erik; Eggen, Ola A.; Reimann, Clemens (NGU-Rapport (2014.047), Report, 2014)
      During field work in the summer and fall of 2013, mineral soil samples were collected in a grid of 6x6km in Nord-Trøndelag and Sør-Trøndelag\u2019s municipalities of Trondheim and Malvik as well as on the Fosen peninsula. ...
    • Mineral soil geochemistry in southern Trøndelag 

      Flem, Belinda; Andersson, Malin; Finne, Tor Erik; Minde, Åse (NGU-Rapport (2020.017), Report, 2020)
      This survey constitutes a continuation of corresponding surveys undertaken in Finnmark, Troms and Nordland Counties, as well as in North Trøndelag and on Fosen. During the main field work in 2018, and the complementary ...
    • Morenestratigrafi og isbevegelser fra Weichsel, sørvestre Finnmarksvidda, Nord-Norge. 

      Olsen, Lars; Hamborg, Martin (NGU (378), Journal article, 1983)
      At least 6 different till units exposed in a 50 m high section along theVuolgamasjåkka river. Starting from the top there are three basal tillsresting on sorted sediments, and below that there are tills alternating ...
    • New geochemical data from a collection of till samples from Nordland, Troms and Finnmark 

      Reimann, Clemens; Filzmoser, Peter; Finne, Tor Erik (NGU-Rapport (2011.045), Report, 2011)
      For the whole area covered by the MINN project there exist collections of mineral soil (till) samples that were originally collected during the early to mid 1980s at an average density of 1 site\/50 km2 for the Nordkalott ...
    • Noen kvartærgeologiske iakttagelser i Lakselvdalen, Finnmark. 

      Skålvoll, Harald (NGU (211), Journal article, 1960)
      Some observations of quaternary deposits in Lakselvdalen, Finnmark: Glacial striae and erratics show that the ice has moved from south to north. Ground moraine, dead ice moraine, marine and glacial-fluvial deposits occur. ...
    • Norges kvartærgeologi. En oversigt. 

      Bjørlykke, K.O. (NGU (65), Journal article, 1913)
      Forkortet:The first part contains an historical survey of the works of the Norwegianquaternary geologists in somewhat chronological order, commencing withJens Esmark (1763-1839), who as early as 1824 described the first ...
    • Nye geokjemiske data fra en samling moreneprøver fra Nordland, Troms og Finnmark 

      Reimann, Clemens; Filzmoser, Peter; Finne, Tor Erik (NGU-Rapport (2011.044), Report, 2011)
      For hele området som omfattes av MINN-prosjektet fantes det på lager prøver av mineraljord (morene) som opprinnelig ble samlet inn gjennom første halvdel av 1980-årene, med en gjennomsnittlig prøvetakingstetthet på 1\/50 ...
    • Nyttbare sand- og grusforekomster i Syd-Norge. Del I: De geologiske betingelser for deres avsetning. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (233), Journal article, 1965)
      The transport and deposition of gravel by glaciers and byglacier-fed streams during the deglaciation, have been principallyresponsible for the types of Quaternary deposits found in our country.This process is described in ...
    • Oplysninger til Blakstads jordbundskart over Trondhjems omegn 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (32), Journal article, 1901)
      Forkortet: Most of the area represented on the map consists of marine clay which is left white on the map p.113. The finely striated parts are sandy clay and the finely dotted parts are sand. River gravel is designated ...
    • Oppfølging av Au-anomali ved Karasjok 

      Sand, Kari (NGU-Rapport (85.108), Report, 1985)
      Geokjemisk prøvetaking av morene i Finnmark fylke viser høye Au-verdier nord for Karasjok. Disse prøvene er blitt reanalysert ved NGU og viser et lavt Au-innhold. Til tross for dette, anbefales det en tettere prøvetaking ...
    • Oppland. Beskrivelse til kvartærgeologisk landgeneralkart. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (187), Journal article, 1954)
      The present map of the quaternary deposits of Oppland was prepared on the general principles applied to the preceding map of Oslo and outlined in the accompanying publication, NGU no. 176. As the ice front retired and the ...
    • Oslo. Beskrivelse til kvartærgeologisk landgeneralkart. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (176), Journal article, 1951)
      Marine deposits: All along the coast of Norway above the present sea level there are raised beaches, caves and terraces formed by waves. This proves that formerly the ocean reached a higher level. The highest one since the ...
    • Ras i Nydalen. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (166), Journal article, 1946)
      On the 12th of Dec. 1934 the road to Maridalen near Oslo slid over a distance of 50 m. After a rainy autumn a freshly made, high foundation of sand fell doen the steep slope to Maridal river, carrying along stones, gravel ...