• Forurensningsstatus i sjøbunnssedimenter i Astafjordområdet/Sør-Troms 

      Lepland, Aivo; Jensen, Henning K.B.; Plassen, Liv; Longva, Oddvar (NGU-Rapport (2012.002), Report, 2012)
      Rapporten presenterer resultater av miljøundersøkelsen som ble gjennomført i samarbeid mellom NGU og Astafjordprosjektet fase III. Sedimentkjerner for undersøkelsen ble tatt fra 27 prøvestasjoner spredt over hele ...
    • Forvaltningsplan for sand, grus og pukk i åtte kommuner i Buskerud fylke 

      Wolden, Knut (NGU-Rapport (94.036), Report, 1994)
      Undersøkelsene er utført på oppdrag fra Buskerud fylkeskommune. Hensikten har vært å gi planleggerne et bakgrunnsmateriale for å forvalte sand, grus og pukkforekomstene i denne delen av fylket på en måte som sikrer tilgangen ...
    • Forvaltningsplan for sand, grus og pukk i Bardu kommune 

      Stokke, John Anders (NGU-Rapport (95.073), Report, 1995)
      Etter henvendelse fra Bardu kommune har NGU utarbeidet er forslag til forvalt- ningsplan for sand, grus og pukk for kommunen. Arbeidet bygger både på resultater fra tidligere undersøkelser samt feltarbeid sommeren 1994. ...
    • Forvitring av malm og sidebergart i norske gruver. Metodestudium, løsningsforsøk i fortynnet svovelsyre 

      Graff, Per Reidar; Røste, Johs, Rye (NGU-Rapport (92.302), Report, 1992)
      Til NGUs laboratorium ble det sendt et utvalg på ialt 120 prøver fra 6 gruver i Norge. Prøvene skal testes med forskjellige syreangrep. Bakgrunnen for undersøkelsene er å få kunnskap om framtidig oppløsning (forvitring) ...
    • Fossiler fra Smølen 

      Holtedahl, Olaf (NGU (69), Journal article, 1915)
      Forkortet: In the following the author describes a few fossils from a limestone of a some- what crystalline character from the island of Smøla. Fossils are very rarely found in this part of Norway, on account of the ...
    • Fossilførende sedimenter ved Skudenes. 

      Isachsen, Fridtjov (NGU (155), Journal article, 1940)
      The southern part of the island Karmøy (Western Norway, between Stavanger and Haugesund) displays a varying complex of slightly metamorphic sediments and igneous rocks: besides gabbro, there occur conglomerates, \"fragmental ...
    • Fossils from pebbles in the Biskopåsen Formation in Southern Norway. 

      Spjeldnæs, Nils (NGU (251), Journal article, 1967)
      Fossils are reported from pebbles in the lowest part of the Biskopåsen Conglomerate in the Late Precambrian Lillehammer Subgroup at the norhtern end of lake Mjøsa in Southern Norway. The most common and widespread fossils ...
    • Fossils from the Ordovician "Upper Hovin Group" (Caradoc-Ashgill), Trondheim Region, Norway 

      Neuman, Robert B.; Pojeta Jr., John; Bruton, David L. (NGU Bulletin (432), Journal article, 1997)
      The 'Upper Hovin Group' on the downthrown side of the Horg Fault between the Orkla and Gaula rivers contains rocks of both Late Caradoc and Early Ashgill age, determined from fossils from eight localities. The older part ...
    • Fotogeologi 

      Siggerud, Thor (NGU (205), Journal article, 1959)
      The use of air photos for geological interpretation is described. A short introduction to photogrammetry is given, and the types of instruments useful for photogeology are mentioned.
    • Four sediment cores from the Continental Shelf outside Trøndelag. 

      Haldorsen, Sylvi (NGU (304), Journal article, 1974)
      Grain size analysis and clay mineral investigations have been carried out. The cores consist of an assemblage of sand, silt and clay, where the clay content is gradually decreasing from the bottom towards the top of the ...
    • Fourth ESF SEDIFLUX Science Meeting and First Workshop of I.A.G./A.I.G. SEDIBUD 

      Beylich, Achim A. (Ed.) (NGU-Rapport (2006.069), Report, 2006)
      Forkortet:\rThis Fourth ESF SEDIFLUX Science Meeting & First Workshop of I.A.G.\/A.I.G. SEDIBUD Workshop builds on three previous ESF SEDIFLUX Science Meetings held in Saudarkrokur (Iceland) in June 2004, Clermont-Ferrand ...
    • Fourth I.A.G./A.I.G. SDEIBUD Workshop, Kingston, Ontario, Canada: Quantitative analysis of sedimentary fluxes and budgets in changing cold climate environments: scaling issues, new techniques, modelling and data management 

      Decaulne, Armelle (eds.); Beylich, Achim A.; Lamoureux, Scott F. (NGU-Rapport (2009.050), Report, 2009)
      Climate change affects all Earth surface systems but with the arguably greatest impact in high-latitude and high-altitude cold environments. In these areas, climate change shapes earth surface processes not just by altering ...
    • Fra det indre af Finmarken 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (36), Journal article, 1902)
      Forkortet: The solid rock. In the region between Bjørnstad (NW corner of the map) and the first geological boundary line (dotted on the map) there are mostly sheared, quartzitic, feldsparbearing sandstone, lying more or ...
    • Fra det nordøstlige af Jotunfjeldene 

      Rekstad, Johan (NGU (37), Journal article, 1904)
      Forkortet: This mountain region forms the highest part of Southern Norway between latitudes 61\u00B0 28' and 61\u00B0 46' N. The two highest mountains in Norway, Gald- høpiggen and Glittertinden, lie within the territory. ...
    • Fra Hardangervidden I 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (34), Journal article, 1902)
      Forkortet: The map on p.29 shows the chief geological divisions. Brøgger has found that the succession of strata in the Hårteigen Mountain has been as follows. 1. Lowermost, lying on old granite, Alum-schist (in Hulberget ...
    • Fra Hardangervidden II 

      Rekstad, Johan (NGU (34), Journal article, 1902)
      Forkortet: The present author has chiefly worked in the middle part of the district. The sections on p.37 show granitic rocks that have been pushed over the Cambro- Silurian phyllite along thrust-planes. The picture on ...
    • Fra Hardangervidden III 

      Bjørlykke, Knut O. (NGU (34), Journal article, 1902)
      Forkortet: The border-lines on the southwestern and southern part of the map on p.29 are to be attributed to Mr.Bjørlykke, who had a very wild region to explore. His photo, reproduced on p.63, shows veins of granite in ...
    • Fra høifjeldsstrøget mellem Haukeli og Hemsedalsfjeldene 

      Rekstad, Johan (NGU (36), Journal article, 1903)
      Foredrag: This mountainous region is situated between latitudes 59\u00B0 50' and 61\u00B0 N in the highest parts of the country. In 1900 Reusch, Bjørlykke and the writer surveyed the western and southern parts of this ...
    • Fracture lineaments, Cenozoic(?) faults, and Mesozoic extensional tectonics of the Møre Trøndelag region, central Norway 

      Redfield, T.F.; Torsvik, T.H.; Gabrielsen, R.H. (NGU-Rapport (2000.070), Report, 2000)
      A map of all lineaments resolvable at 1:100,000 scale on a LANDSAT TM5 image utilizing bands 1,2, and 3 was constructed over the Møre Trøndelag region of central Norway. This onshore fracture lineament map was merged with ...