• Geology and structure of the Dombås-Lesja area, southern Trondheim region, south-central Norway. 

      Guezou, Jean-Claude (NGU (340), Journal article, 1978)
      Investigations in the southernmost part of the Trondheim region have established the presence of a new tectonic unit, the Andbergshøi Complex, interposed between the Trondheim Nappe and the Western Precambrian basement. ...
    • Geology and structure of the Prestberget area. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (228), Journal article, 1964)
      Prestberget er det berg vest for Vågå kirke (med Jutulporten), hvor veien til Nordherad slynger seg oppover. Ved veien ved Bygdetunet er det meget gode blotninger av lagdelte bergarter og det kan her påvises at lagene er ...
    • Geology of Moskenesøy, Lofoten, North Norway. 

      Green, Trevor H.; Jorde, Knut (NGU (270), Journal article, 1971)
      Moskenesøy, Lofoten, forms part of the Lofoten-Vesterålen Precambrian high grade granulite metamorphic province. The dominant basal rock type of the island is a porphyroblastic monzonitic gneiss interbanded with, and grading ...
    • Geology of the Altenes area, Alta-Kvænangen window, North Norway. 

      Fareth, Eigill (NGU (351), Journal article, 1979)
      Precambrian supracrustal and intrusive rocks of the Raipas Group of supposed Karelian age are unconformably overlain by Vendian to ?Lower Cambrian sedimentary rocks, which have in turn been overridden by allochthonous rocks ...
    • Geology of the Båtsfjordfjellet drillcore, Varanger Peninsula, Finnmark, northern Norway 

      Siedlecka, Anna; Roberts, David (NGU Bulletin (452), Journal article, 2012)
      Logging of >800 metres of drillcore from a borehole on Båtsfjordfjellet, Varanger Peninsula, revealed a succession of very low-grade, metasedimentary rocks which are assigned to specific Neoproterozoic formations recognisable ...
    • Geology of the coast-region from Lofoten to Loppa, with special emphasis of faults, joints and related structures 

      Tveten, Einar; Zwaan, Bouke (NGU-Rapport (93.083), Report, 1993)
      Lineament patterns in the coast-region from Lofoten to Loppa, is investigated. Exposure of fault-rocks show a variety of modes of deformation from ductile to brittle.Relative movements are indicated in some places, showing ...
    • Geology of the eastern part of the Meråker area. 

      Siedlecka, Anna (NGU (245), Journal article, 1967)
      Within the mapped area slightly metamorphosed clastic sediments occur, probably of Upper Ordovician and Silurian age. The author describes a metagreywacke-slate association with metaconglomerates and gabbrodiorite sills, ...
    • Geology of the Folldal area, southern Trondheim Region Caledonides, Norway. 

      Bjerkgård, Terje; Bjørlykke, Arne (NGU Bulletin (426), Journal article, 1994)
      The lowest stratigraphic unit in the Folldal area is the Gula Group, comprising turbidites and minor greenstones in the lower part (the Singsås Formation) and graphitic pelites with subordinate marble and conglomerate in ...
    • Geology of the Fosen Peninsula and Trondheimsfjord Region: a synopsis and excursion guide. 

      Roberts, David (NGU-Rapport (98.119), Report, 1998)
      In the first part of the report, a synopsis is presented of the general geology and tectonostratigraphy of this part of Central Norway, with a slightly more detailed account given of the geology of Fosen Peninsula. The ...
    • Geology of the Hølonda-Hulsjøen area, Trondheim region. 

      Chaloupsky, Josef (NGU (266), Journal article, 1970)
      The geology of the area south of Trondheim is described. A new stratigraphical division of the Early Palaeozoic is proposed and its structure outlined. The entire Early Palaeozoic sedimentary and volcanic complex has been ...
    • Geology of the Iesjav'ri-Skoganvarre area, Northern Finnmarksvidda, North Norway. 

      Siedlecka, Anna (NGU Bulletin (403), Journal article, 1985)
      The Iesjav'ri-Skoganvarre areas is located in the northern part ofFinnmarksvidda and its underlain by Archaean-Early Proterozoic rocks. Theoldest unit, the Jer'gul Gneiss Complex, is unconformably overlain bymetasediments ...
    • Geology of the Kjøkkenbukta orebody, Bleikvassli Gruber, Nordland, Norway 

      Moralev, Gleb V.; Larsen, Rune B.; Bjerkgård, Terje (NGU-Rapport (96.155), Report, 1997)
      The aim of the present study was to obtain more data regarding geological relations between the massive sulfide ore and wall rock, especially the microcline gneiss, the genesis of which is a subject of discussion. Another ...
    • Geology of the Mauken tectonic window, Målselv, Troms 

      Henderson, Iain; Schönenberger, Johannes; Sandstad, Jan Sverre; Bjerkgård, Terje; Slagstad, Trond (NGU-Rapport (2015.013), Report, 2015)
      This report presents the results from bedrock mapping in the Mauken tectonic window, carried out in several periods in 2011-2013. During the NGU MINN program, the Mauken area has been subject to a high-resolution airborne ...
    • Geology of the Meråker area as a key to the eastern part of the Trondheim region. 

      Wolff, Fredrik Chr. (NGU (245), Journal article, 1967)
      The present paper deals with a discussion of the main tectono-stratigraphical problems of the eastern Trondheim region. Based on detailed studies made in the Meråker area in the last three summers and available manuscript ...
    • Geology of the Meråker area. Introduction. 

      Wolff, Fredrik Chr. (NGU (245), Journal article, 1967)
    • Geology of the Minor Bergen Arc, West Norway. 

      Fossen, Haakon (NGU Bulletin (416), Journal article, 1989)
      Detailed mapping of the Minor Bergen Arc has revealed the presence of a variety of highly deformed rocks of different origin and age. Three rock units have been separated and named. The Nordåsvatn Complex comprises deformed ...
    • Geology of the Mostadmarka and Selbustrand area, Trøndelag. 

      Torske, Tore (NGU (232), Journal article, 1965)
      The bedrock of the area consists of metamorphic epiclastic, volcanic, and intrusive rocks of assumed Lower Ordovician age, assigned to, and lithologically matching the rocks of, the Røros, Støren and Lower Hovin Groups of ...
    • Geology of the northernmost part of the Meråker area. 

      Siedlecka, Anna; Siedlecki, Stanislaw (NGU (245), Journal article, 1967)
      Four lithostratigraphical groups comprising sedimentary and igneous rocks have been distinguished in the mapped area. There are conformities and gradual transition between all these groups. The rocks have been subjected ...
    • Geology of the Røssjøkollan-Dokkvatn area, Oppland. 

      Nickelsen, Richard P. (NGU (314), Journal article, 1974)
      The Røssjøkollan-Dokkvatn area at the eastern edge of Valdres Sparagmite exposures is comprised of a number of allochthonous litho-tectonic units in which Precambrian Jotun basement, and Late Precambrian or Eocambrian ...
    • Geology of the Skrukkelia molybdenite deposit, northwest margin of the Oslo Graben, Norway. 

      Sandstad, Jan Sverre; Olerud, Svein (NGU (387), Journal article, 1983)
      The Skrukklia Mo-occurence is situated in Precambrian gneisses along the northwest margin of the igneous complex of the Oslo Region. Within the mineralized area a Permian granite suite (the Aurtjern granite) intrudes the ...