• Georadar ved hydrogeologiske undersøkelser, Norefjellstua, Krødsherad kommune i Buskerud 

      Mauring, Eirik; Tønnesen, Jan Fredrik (NGU-Rapport (97.185), Report, 1997)
      Det er utført georadarmålinger langs ni profiler i to områder ved Norefjellstua Krødsherad komune, Buskerud. Målingene ble utført som en del av en vurdering av løsmassene egnethet for uttak av grunnvann. Hensikten med ...
    • Georadarmålinger i Haustdalen, Alvdal, 1998 

      Lauritsen, Torleif (NGU-Rapport (99.014), Report, 1999)
      Det er utført georadarundersøkelser ved 6 lokaliteter i Haustdalen i Alvdal kommune. Undersøkelsene inngår som forstudier i forbindelse med en hovedfagsoppgave ved Geologisk institutt ved Universitetet i Bergen. Formålet ...
    • Glacial geology of Western Troms, North Norway. 

      Andersen, Bjørn G. (NGU (256), Journal article, 1968)
      A moraine chronology was established for western Troms. Altogether six main glacial phases were recognised. Several of the phases were radiocarbon dated. Observations were made of the corresponding shore lines, the marine ...
    • Glacial geology,deglacition chronology and sea-level changes in the southern Telemark and Vestfold counties, Southeastern Norway 

      Bergstrøm, Bjørn (NGU Bulletin (435), Journal article, 1999)
      A revised and more detailed deglaciation chronology is presented in the soputhern Telemark and Vestfold, southeastern Norway, based mainly on information and results from mapping projects on the superficial deposits carried ...
    • Glacial stadials and interstadials of the Late Precambrian Smalfjord Tillite on Laksefjordvidda, Finnmark, North Norway. 

      Føyn, Sven; Siedlicki, Stanislav (NGU (358), Journal article, 1980)
      Three glacial conglomerates and two intervening sandstones in the Smalfjord Formation on Laksefjordvidda were deposited during three glacial episodes and two interstadials, respectively. MOst of the sequence is preserved ...
    • Gull i morenemateriale nord for Riednjajavri 

      Finne, Tor Erik (NGU-Rapport (88.217), Report, 1988)
      Prøver av morenemateriale fra 160 lokaliteter i stikningsnett nord av Riednajajavri er analysert for innhold av gull i fraksjonen <0.18 mm. Resultatene er framstilt påkart i M 1:20 000 og tolket sammen med VLF- målinger. ...
    • Hallingdal. Beskrivelse til kvartærgeologisk landgeneralkart. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (190), Journal article, 1955)
      (forkortet): The present map of the quaternary deposits of Hallingdal was prepared on the general principles reffered to in the summary of Oslo, NGU no. 16, the first map description published in this series and followed ...
    • Har der existeret store, isdæmmede indsjøer paa østsiden av Langfjeldene? 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (14), Journal article, 1894)
      Langfjeldene is the great mountainridge, which runs through southern Norway. Mr.Andr.M.Hansen have forwarded the hypothesis, that in the region east of it (map p. 52) there existed at the end of the ice-age large lakes ...
    • Har Jæren vært dekket av en Skagerak-bre? Er "Skagerak-morenen" en marin leire? 

      Andersen, Bjørn G. (NGU (228), Journal article, 1964)
      Jæren is a low plain on the coast of southwestern Norway. This plain is covered with relatively thick Quaternary deposits including a very bouldary W\u00CFrm till on top of calcareous clays and stratified sand and gravel. ...
    • I. Rendalens bræsjø 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (79), Journal article, 1916)
      The present paper forms a supplement to the author's: Ice-dammed lakes of Northern Østerdal, NGU nr. 73. The lowest sete-building lake in the Glommen valley has extended its branches into the valleys Rendalen, Tydalen and ...
    • Iagttagelser fra bræer i Sogn og Fjordane 

      Rekstad, Johan (NGU (34), Journal article, 1901)
      Forkortet: In the valleys in front of the Norwegian glaciers, there are nearly always great plains of sand and gravel, which the glacial streams have deposited. Om pp. 4 to 8, this is instanced by an account of the fluvial ...
    • II. Kalkstenshuler i Ranen 

      Oxaal, John (NGU (69), Journal article, 1914)
      Forkortet: In the district of Rana in Northern Norway (about 66 1\/2\u00B0 N) we have some of the most important layers of limestone and dolomitic limestone in Norway. Grønligrotten (the situation shown on map p.4) is ...
    • Innhold av 28 grunnstoffer i salpetersyreekstrakt av jordprøver fra Meråker 

      Finne, Tor Erik (NGU-Rapport (92.264), Report, 1992)
      Prøver av jord (C-horisont morene\/forvitringsjord) tatt i rutenett 500x1000 m fra |554 lokaliteter i Meråkerfeltet er analysert for innhold av HNO3-løse- lig Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Ti, Ag, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Ce, Co, ...
    • Innhold av barytt, brucitt, dolomitt og magnesitt i løsmasser over Børselvdolomitten. 

      Finne, Tor Erik (NGU-Rapport (89.102), Report, 1989)
      Løsmasseprøver fra 75 lokaliteter i rutenett innefor dolomittsekvensene i Børselv er prøvetatt og analysert med røntgendiffraksjon for å finne eventuelle forekomster av magnesitt, brucitt eller barytt.Løsmassene er ...
    • Innhold av edelmetaller i løsmasser, Sogn og Fjordane fylke. 

      Ryghaug, Per (NGU-Rapport (89.156), Report, 1989)
      Gull og platinametaller(Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Tr, Os) er analysert i tidligere inn- samlede løsmasseprøver fra Sogn og Fjordane fylke. Prøvene ble samlet inn i 1984-85 i forbindelse med et goekjemisk kartleggings- prosjekt som ...
    • Isbevegelse i Lillehammer-området, Sør-Norge, under siste nedising. 

      Olsen, Lars (NGU (378), Journal article, 1983)
      The ice movement from the last glaciation in the northern part of the lake Mjøsa district are presented in an ice phase model. Four main ice phases are reconstructed mainly based on striation, but fluted surfaces, poorly ...
    • Isrand-dannelser ved Atnesjøen. 

      Werenskiold, W. (NGU (183), Journal article, 1952)
      Atnesjø is a lake in Central Norway, 700 m above sea level just to the SE of the Rondane mountain group. The Atnariver enters the lake from the north, and leaves at the north end, forming an affluent to the great Glomma ...
    • Jordartregioner i Norge. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (213), Journal article, 1961)
      As older geological maps mainly present bedrock geology to the neglect of drift, the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) year 1936 realized the need of a special map to supply necessary information about quaternary deposits. ...
    • Jæderens geologi. 

      Bjørlykke, Knut O. (NGU (48), Journal article, 1908)
      Forkortet:Jæren is the comparatively flat district on the South Western coast of Norway,between Stavanger and Egersund. The soil consists in most parts, of deposits ofloose material, moraine sand and gravel, peat moss and ...
    • Jæderens jordbund. 

      Grimnes, A. (NGU (52), Journal article, 1910)
      Forkortet:The comparatively flat extent of country which stretches from the neighbour-hood of Stavanger to the neighbourhood of Vigrestad, has above the bed-rocka cover of loose material which in the southern part attains ...