Browsing NGU Open Archive by Author "Karlsen, Tor Arne"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Characterisation of products from benefication test
Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU-Rapport (98.155), Report, 1998)Chemical characterisation of flotation test material have been carried out on commision for Norwegian Talc AS. Comments on the chemistry with respect to the mineralogical content and to content of toxic elements are made. -
Characterisation of rock samples for Norwegian Talc AS
Karlsen, Tor Arne; Nilsson, Lars Petter (NGU-Rapport (98.153), Report, 1998) -
Chemistry and whiteness of talc-bearing rocks in Helgeland, northern Norway. Appendix to report 99.068.
Gautneb, Håvard; Karlsen, Tor Arne; Lund, Bjørn (NGU-Rapport (99.105), Report, 1999)XRF-chemistry and whiteness for talc-bearing rocks reported in report 98.068 are described. The major element distributions are more or less typical for talc-carbonate assemblages. But some of the samples have higher ... -
Chemistry of benefication products from Altermark, northern Norway.
Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU-Rapport (99.066), Report, 1999)The chemistry of products from benefication tests of Altermark talc made by Pluss-Staufer AG is described. The earlier conclusions that the ore is very pure when it comes to elements with potential risks to health have ... -
Chemistry of products from the second beneficiation test of talc from Nakkan, Altermark, northern Norway.
Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU-Rapport (99.090), Report, 1999)XRF-analyses of products from beneficiation tests of Nakkan talc, made by OMYA GMBH, is described. The results are compared with earlier test-results from Nakkan and from the mine. The mineralogical compositions have been ... -
Economic potential of potassic feldpar-rich gneisses in Tysfjord/ Hamarøy, northern Norway
Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)Potassic feldspar gneiss in the Tysfjord\/Hamarøy area may be potential resource for future exploitation. The rock consists primarily of microcline (up to 84%) and quartz (up to 35%) together with small amounts of plagioclase ... -
Geophysical modelling of aeromagnetic anomalies in Altemark, northern Norway
Olesen, Odleiv; Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU-Rapport (97.190), Report, 1997)In connection with investigations of the talc deposit \"Nakkan\" in Altermark, surrounding magnetic anomalies have been modelled and interpreted. The goal of this work is to get more knowledge about the possibility of ... -
Investigation of talc from 1997-drillcores from the Nakkan depoist, Altermark, northern Norway.
Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU-Rapport (99.067), Report, 1999)As a part of the development of the Nakkan deposit in Altermark a study focused on mineralogy has been carried out. Detailed field inspections of drill cores from 1997 and 1998 are described. The inspection shows that zones ... -
Kartlegging og petrografisk/geokjemisk undersøkelse av kalifelt- spatrik gneis, Hamarøy/Tysfjord, Nordland, 1990.
Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU-Rapport (91.005), Report, 1991)Nye forekomster av kalifeltspatrik gneis er kartlagt. Radiometriske bakke- målinger (Scintillometer) har vært gjort som hjelp til kartleggingsarbeidet. En av de nye forekomstene, \"Ramnflågura Øst\", er en forlengelse i ... -
Mineralogisk undersøkelse av talk-karbonat-malm. Raudbergfeltet, Vik i Sogn.
Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU-Rapport (90.086), Report, 1990)Mineralogi\/mineralkjemi av talk-karbonat-malm og sideberg (serpentinitt) er undersøkt. Talk-karbonat-malmen består av 50-60% talk, 40-50% karbonat, 0,2% erts. Karbonatet er av typene breunneritt (mest), magnesitt og ... -
Natursteinundersøkelser, kysten av Sør-Helgeland.
Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU-Rapport (91.004), Report, 1991)Gamle og nye forekomster av naturstein (fortrinnsvis bygningsstein) på Sør- Helgeland er undersøkt. Flere av forekomstene er av bra kvalitet og kan være av industriell interesse. Fra før av kjenner en større forekomster ... -
Neotectonic studies in the Ranafjorden area, northern Norway.
Olesen, Odleiv; Skogseth, Terje; Olsen, Lars; Karlsen, Tor Arne; Henkel, Herbert; Gjelle, Svein (NGU-Rapport (94.073), Report, 1994)The Ranafjorden area in northern Norway is a region of increased seismicity andanomalous land uplift. There is evidence for recent movements in the bedrock;1) A total of 0.89 m uplift of a bladder wrack mark from 1894 to ... -
Neotectonics in the Ranafjorden area, northern Norway
Olsen, Lars; Skogseth, Terje; Olesen, Odleiv; Gjelle, Svein; Henkel, Herbert; Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU Bulletin (427), Journal article, 1995) -
Oppfølgende strukturmålinger i Tellnes-bruddet, Rogaland
Karlsen, Tor Arne; Korneliussen, Are; Furuhaug, Leif (NGU-Rapport (99.137), Report, 2000)Fortrolig til 14.02.2007. På oppdrag fra Titania AS er det gjort oppfølgende undersøkelser av sprekker\/ forkastninger og omvandlingssoner i Tellnes-bruddet. Arbeidet er en oppfølging av tidligere arbeider hvor strukturer ... -
Overwiew of talc resources in the Altermark talc province, northern Norway, and possible uses of the talc ore
Karlsen, Tor Arne; Olesen, Odleiv; Rian, Edvin (NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)Active prospecting during the past 10 years has proved that the Altermark area contains much more talc than previously recognised in the Nakkan-Esjeklumpen area, 10 M tonnes or more of talc-carbonate ore are probably ... -
Quality of talc from the Nakkan deposit, Altermark, northern Norway
Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU-Rapport (97.111), Report, 1997)Drill hole samples from the Nakkan-deposit, Altermark, have been investigated with respect to mineralogy and chemistry. In addition a short description of whiteness analysed by Norwegian Talc Altermark is described. In ... -
Status-report on talc-prospecting in Helgeland, northern Norway.
Karlsen, Tor Arne; Gautneb, Håvard; Lund, Bjørn (NGU-Rapport (99.068), Report, 1999)A prospecting programme for talc has been carried out in Helgeland. The results are both good and bad; a new talc deposit has been found in Kvanndalen, a few km west of Altermark. The deposit are exposed, and the size is ... -
Talc deposits in Norway
Karlsen, Tor Arne; Nilsson, Lars Petter (NGU-Rapport (99.135), Report, 2000)Information about talc and soapstone deposits registered in NGU's different databases and various available literature have been collected and described in the present report. Around 400 deposits\/occurrences are known, ... -
Talc-investigation in Norfjord, western Norway
Karlsen, Tor Arne; Gautneb Håvard (NGU-Rapport (99.136), Report, 1999)Fortrolig til 01.01.2002. A Reconnaissance study of talc has been carried out in selected parts of the Norfjord area. In the area between Norfjord and Hornindalsvannet a considerable number of ultramafic lenses occur along ... -
Tolkning av geofysiske helikoptermålinger, Altermark-området, Mo i Rana, Nordland
Olesen, Odleiv; Karlsen, Tor Arne (NGU-Rapport (91.288), Report, 1992)Geologiske helikoptermålinger i Altermarkområdet er tolket for å påvise nye serpentinitter i overflaten og på dypet i tillegg til å forbedre den struk- turgeologiske informasjonen. Magnetiske data er modellert for å ...