• Aurdal. Beskrivelse til det geologiske gradteigskart. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (185), Journal article, 1954)
      The gneisses of the area can be divided into two distinct groups, plagioclase gneisses of a quartzdioritic composition and granodioritic gneisses. In the stripe of Archean rocks along the valley of the Begna there is a ...
    • Beskrivelse av faunaen. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (155), Journal article, 1940)
      The fauna here reported from Karmøy is from a light often micaceous calcareous sandstone, the fossils occurring as rusty impressions and casts, mostly deformed and indistinct. Corals and crinoid stems occur in greatest ...
    • Biotitt-søvitt på Stjernøy, Vest-Finnmark. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (183), Journal article, 1952)
      The island of Stjernøy is built up of a complex of gabbroid rocks, which in the valley of Fjellfinndalen (fig. 1) surrounds a body of chiefly calcite-biotite rock more than commonly rich in apatite, clearly of non-sedimentary ...
    • Et gneis-amfibolitt-kompleks i grunnfjellet i Valdres. Summary: A complex of gneisses and amphibolites in the archaean of Valdres, Southern Norway. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (159), Journal article, 1943)
      The present paper deals with Archean rocks in the map areas Aurdal and Slidre (see outline map Fig. 1). In Fig. 1 areas covered by Caledonian rocks are left white, (1)=mylonitic gneisses of granitic derivation, (2)=various ...
    • Gabbrokonglomeratet i Sjodalen. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (195), Journal article, 1956)
      The Gabbor Conglomerate in Sjodalen. The area dealt with in the present paper is a part of the valley of the river Sjoa (Sjodalen) in central southern Norway, about 61o42'N and 9o18'E. An account of the general geology of ...
    • Geologiske undersøkelser i den sydøstligste del av Helgeland. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (184), Journal article, 1953)
      Helgeland is the southern part of northern Norway. The writerand his assistants have worked in the northern part of the area shownon the map, the southern part of the same map is based upon thegeological maps in manuscript ...
    • Geology and structure of the Prestberget area. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (228), Journal article, 1964)
      Prestberget er det berg vest for Vågå kirke (med Jutulporten), hvor veien til Nordherad slynger seg oppover. Ved veien ved Bygdetunet er det meget gode blotninger av lagdelte bergarter og det kan her påvises at lagene er ...
    • Greenschists from the south-eastern part of Helgeland, Norway, their chemical composition, mineral facies and geological setting. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (203), Journal article, 1958)
      I somrene 1951-54 gjorde forfatteren geologisk kartleggingsarbeidet i den sydøstlige del av Helgeland sammen med en rekke unge assistenter. Det kartlagte området er en omkring 25 km bred stripe langs svenskegrensen, mellom ...
    • Namsvatnet med en del av Frøyningsfjell. 

      Strand, Trygve; Foslie, Steinar (NGU (196), Journal article, 1956)
      The rocks of the area can be divided into three sharply separated groups. These are in ascending tectonic order: 1. The Børgefjell Massif in the north-eastern part of the area. 2. A complex of low-grade metamorphic sediments ...
    • Noen stratigrafiske aldersspørsmål i Grong-feltet og den sydøstlige del av Helgeland. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (223), Journal article, 1963)
      Some years ago the present writer described the geology and stratigraphy of the district along the Swedish border between 64 50' and 60 45' N (Strand 1953, 1955, Foslie og Strand 1956). In these districts and in adjacent ...
    • Nordre Etnedal. Beskrivelse til det geologiske gradteigskart 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (152), Journal article, 1938)
      Cambrian and Ordovician formations: Apart from the Synnfjell Sandstone, the rocks in the southern part of the area consist of marine deposits of Cambrian and Ordovician age, forming an extension of the corresponding deposits ...
    • On the gneisses from a part of the north-western gneiss area of Southern Norway. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (173), Journal article, 1949)
      The north-western part of Southern Norway is an area mainly of gneisses, formerly regarded as entirely of Archean age. In later years a number of writers have maintained that parts of the gneisses are Caledonian migmatites ...
    • Otta-dekket og Valdres-gruppen i strøkene langs Bøverdal og Leirdalen. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (228), Journal article, 1964)
      In his 1951 paper (Strand, 1951) the writer described the Otta nappe (lower Jotun nappe). The nappe was mapped in the Vågå map area, extending west to the meridian 2 dgrs. west of Oslo. It is here a thin and discontinous ...
    • Raipas og kaledon i strøket omkring Repparfjord, Vest-Finnmark. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (183), Journal article, 1952)
      In the Repparfjord area rocks of the Precambrian Raipas System occur in an inlier, which is directly overlain by allochtonous Caledonian rocks with a tectonic unconformity. Any autochtonous Eocambrian and younger sediments ...
    • Slidre. Beskrivelse til det geologiske gradteigskart 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (180), Journal article, 1951)
      The greater parts of the area is mountainous, but two deeper valleys are incised in the land mass. The valley of Øystre Slidre cuts the area almost diagonally, the valley of Vestre Slidre lies to the southwest of this. The ...
    • Stratigraphy and structure of eocambrian and younger deposits in a part of the Gudbrandsdal valley district, south Norway. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (251), Journal article, 1967)
      A sequence of five separable formations of assumed Eocambrian to Cambrian and earliest Ordovician age are separated by a thrust-plane from the overlying Otta nappe. A lowermost formation of alternating schists and sandstones ...
    • Sydøstligste Helgelands geologi. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (191), Journal article, 1955)
      Geology of the south-eastermost part of Helgeland: Helgeland is the southern part of northern Norway. The present paper is a preliminary report presenting the results of mapping work during the summers 1951-54 by the writer ...
    • The relation between the basal gneiss and the overlying meta-sediments in the Surnadal district, (Caledonides of Southern Norway). 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (184), Journal article, 1953)
      The boundary between the basal gneiss and the overlying micaschists and micaceous gneisses is marked by a thin zone of \"basal quartzite\", but the quartzite is generally not at the exact boundary between the two divisions. ...
    • Valdres-sparagmittens stratigrafiske stilling. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (205), Journal article, 1959)
      The Valdres Sparagmite is a deposit chiefly of arkoses (sparagmites) in central Southern Norway. It lies above fossiliferous Ordovician sediments and has thus been considered as of Ordovician or Silurian age by Norwegian ...