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C14-datings referring to shore lines, transgressions, and glacial substages in Northern Norway. (A supplement to papers of 1960 and 1961 by the author).
(NGU (215), Journal article, 1962)Denne publikasjonen er en foreløpig meddelelse som i det vesentlige dreier seg om en serie C14-dateringer utført av R. Nydal ved Laboratoriet for Radiologisk Datering i Trondheim. Dateringene synes å gi viktige opplysninger ... -
Caledonian and Baikalian tectonic structures on Varanger Peninsula, Finnmark, Norway, and coastal areas of Kola Peninsula, NW Russia
(NGU Bulletin (431), Journal article, 1996)Based on data compiled from biostratigraphy, radiometric dating and palaeomag- netic studies, contractional deformation and low-grade metamorphism in the Neo- proterozoic to earliest Palaeozoic successions of coastal areas ... -
Caledonian granitoids in the Frøya-Froan area, central Norway.
(NGU Bulletin (427), Journal article, 1995) -
Caledonian structural evolution and tectonostratigraphy in the Rombak - Sjangeli Window and its covering sequences, northern Scandinavian Caledonides
(NGU Bulletin (415), Journal article, 1989)The tectonostratigraphy and Caledonian structural evolution of an area in and around the north-eastern corner of the Rombak-Sjangeli Window (RSW) in the northern Scandinavian Caledonides is described. The investigated area ... -
Caledonian structural geology and tectonics of East Hinnøy, North Norway.
(NGU Bulletin (396), Journal article, 1984)Rocks of east Hinnøy comprise three Caledonian tectonic elements: (1) parautochthonous pre-Caledonian crystalline basement (Lofoten block); (2) allochtonous Precambrian gneisses, probably derived from the Lofoten block, ... -
Caledonian sulphide deposits and minor iron-formations from the southern Trondheim region, Norway.
(NGU (340), Journal article, 1978)Within the southern and central parts of the Trondheim region of the Norwegian Caledonides a great number of small, stratabound cupriferous pyrite deposits are confined to mafic metavolcanics of the Gula, Støren and Fundsjø ... -
Cambro-Silurian fossils in Finnmark, Northern Norway.
(NGU (213), Journal article, 1961)Underkambriske(?), mellomkambriske, overkambriske(?) og underordoviciske (tremadoc) fossiler (trilobitter, brakiopoder, graptolitter, spor og problematika) er funnet på Digermulhalvøya i Tana og silurske fossiler ... -
Carbonate sand deposition along the coast of southern Norway
(NGU Bulletin (427), Journal article, 1995) -
Change in chemical composition of rock samples during preparation for analysis.
(NGU (300), Journal article, 1973)It has been shown that up to 3% of the volume of rock samples may escape as clust during their preparation (crushing and grinding) for chemical analysis. The mineral and chemical composition of the escaping rock dust may ... -
Chemical (U-Th-Pb) dating of monazite: Analytical protocol for a LEO 1450VP scanning electron microscope and examples from Rogaland and Finnmark, Norway
(NGU Bulletin (446), Journal article, 2006)Monazite is a common accessory mineral and is a valuable mineral chronometer on account of its relatively high U and Th contents, negligible common Pb, and a high closure temperature. Because all the Pb present in monazite ... -
Chemical and petrographic characterization of ilmenite and magnetite in oxide-rich cumulates of the Sokndale Region, Rogaland, Norway
(NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)Igneous ilmenite and magnetite in some oxide-rich cumulates of the Sokndal region show chemical features and microtextures that reflect the progress of magmatic evolution and subsolidus re-equilibration. These features ... -
Chemistry and flow patterns in some groundwaters of southeastern Norway.
(NGU (380), Journal article, 1983)Groundwaters in Quaternary deposits and in bedrock of southeastern Norway down to 120 m below surface range in chemical composition from very dilute waters to brackish waters. The total contents of dissolved solids (Ca2+ ... -
Cier'te. Beskrivelse til det berggrunnsgeologiske kart 1733 II - 1:50 000 (med fargetrykt kart).
(NGU; Skrifter (331; 20), Journal article, 1977)A general description of the bedrock geology is presented. The map area has a threefold tectono-stratigraphic division. 1: The Precambrian (Sveco-karelian) besement rocks are subdivided into two complexes. The older one, ... -
Classification of uranium mineralization in Norway.
(NGU (380), Journal article, 1983)NGU has carried out exploration for uranium on a small butvarying scale since the second World War. An attempt is made toclassify types of uranium mineralization occuring in Norway, followinga system based on genetic types. ... -
Code of stratigraphic nomenclature for Norway
(NGU (213), Journal article, 1961) -
Combined use of common depth point and common offset techniques in shallow reflection seismics
(NGU Bulletin (427), Journal article, 1995) -
Composition of metamorphic rocks and some aspects of evolution of the Lapland Granulite Belt on the Kola Peninsula, USSR
(NGU Bulletin (421), Journal article, 1991)Combined geological and petrochemical data suggest that the Lapland Granulite Belt can be divided into a lower sedimentary-volcanic unit and an upper, predominantly sedimentary sequence. Metamorphic rocks from the lower ... -
Conodonts of Laurentian faunal affinities from the Middle Ordovician Svartsætra limestone in the Trondheim Region, Central Norwegian Caledonides.
(NGU Bulletin (432), Journal article, 1997)Samples from a 122-meter thick limestone succession at Svartsætra, about 13 km east of Meldal inthe Trondheim Region, west-central Norway, yielded more than 100 conodont elements representing about a dozen multielement ... -
Contemporary stress orientation features in bedrock, Trøndelag, central Norway, and some regional implications.
(NGU Bulletin (442), Journal article, 2004)Based on in situ rock stress measurements and contemporary stress orientation structures observed at diverse sites in Trøndelag, it can be shown that the Møre-Trøndelag Fault Complex marks an important structural divide ... -
Contributions to the geology of Hardangervidda (West Norway) I. An explosion-breccia occurrence in Hjølmodalen.
(NGU (247), Journal article, 1967)An occurrence of breccia, which is thought to have been formed\rby a fluidization process, is described. The breccia is supposed to be\rgenetically related to similar breccias encountered in other parts of\rthe Precambrian ...