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Gabbroic and quartz dioritic intrusions in gneisses on southern Askøy, West Norwegian Caldonides.
(NGU (270), Journal article, 1971)Light- and dark-coloured biotite gneisses and in part amphibole gneisses, of supracrustal origin have been intruded by a Precambrian basic pluton. Later a quartz diorite was intruded into the basic rocks. By assimilation ... -
Gabbrokonglomeratet i Sjodalen.
(NGU (195), Journal article, 1956)The Gabbor Conglomerate in Sjodalen. The area dealt with in the present paper is a part of the valley of the river Sjoa (Sjodalen) in central southern Norway, about 61o42'N and 9o18'E. An account of the general geology of ... -
Geochemical changes accompanying mylonitisation of granite at the base of the Helgeland Nappe Complex, Nord-Trøndelag, central Norway
(NGU Bulletin (446), Journal article, 2006)A progressive conversion of megacrystic granite into mylonites at the base of the Helgeland Nappe Complex in the Caledonides of central Norway is reflected in microstructural, textural and modal changes. These mylonites ... -
Geochemical evidence in support of sedimentary precursors to Proterozoic sillimanite-bearing rocks, Vest-Agder, South Norway
(NGU Bulletin (446), Journal article, 2006)Sillimanite-bearing alumina-rich schists and gneisses from three different areas within the Agder region in southern Norway are interpreted as having sedimentary precursors, transformed during deep-seated Sveconorwegian ... -
Geochemical modelling of natural geo-/hydrochemical stratification dominated by pyrite ocidation and calcite dissolution in a glaciofluvial Quaternary deposit, Gardermoen, Norway.
(NGU Bulletin (434), Journal article, 1998)The PHREEQC geochemical model has been used to reproduce on a geological time scale an abrupt shift between an oxic and an anoxic zone, in the Gardermoen glaciofluvial delta deposit. Groundwater in the aquifer has a major ... -
Geochemical provinces in the northern parts of the Baltic Shield and Caledonides: preliminary results.
(NGU Bulletin (403), Journal article, 1985)Forkortet. The geochemistry of the continental crust of the northern part of the Baltic Shield and adjoining Caledonides has been investigated by analysis of till and stream sediment samples collected at a density of sample ... -
Geochemistry and palaeogeographical setting of greenstone units on Frosta peninsula, Nord-Trøndelag, Central Norwegian Caledonides
(NGU Bulletin (450), Journal article, 2010)Volcanic and high-level intrusive rocks of the Støren Nappe exposed on the west coast of Frosta peninsula occur in two, distinct, magmatic units; the bimodal Fånes complex and the metabasaltic Granheim greenstone. North ... -
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of trondhjemites and granodiorite from Gauldalen, Central Norwegian Caledonides
(NGU Bulletin (437), Journal article, 2000)In the Gauldalen district of Central Norway, three varieties of trondhjemite cutting rocks of the Gula Complex have been distinguished on the basis of nuances of colour and field relationships. The high Al2O3, Rb and Sr, ... -
Geochemistry and petrology of dolerite dykes of probable late Caledonian age from the outer Sunnfjord region, West Norway.
(NGU (363), Journal article, 1981)Major and trace element abundances from dolerite dykes in the outer Sunnfjord region show an averall compositional similarity to continental tholeiites. The dyke rocks exhibit a fractionated nature, especially with respect ... -
Geochemistry and Rb-Sr dating of the Muruvik rhyolite tuff, Trondheimsfjord, Central Norway.
(NGU Bulletin (412), Journal article, 1988)A geochemical study of a low greenschist facies, felsic lapill-ash tuff fromnear the stratigraphic top of the Ordovician Lower Hovin Group at Muruvik,Trondheimsfjord, has shown that the pyroclastite is clearly calc-alkaline ... -
Geochemistry and Rb-Sr isochron age of trondhjemite dykes from the Gula Complex, near Snøan, Central Norway.
(NGU Bulletin (437), Journal article, 2000)Trondhjemite dykes trending c.ENE-WSW and transecting early metamorphic fabrics in rocks of the Gula Complex south-southwest of Støren, are themselves weakly metamorphosed and foliate. Geochemical data show that the dykes ... -
Geochemistry of dolerite and metadolerite dykes from Varanger Peninsula, Finnmark, North Norway.
(NGU (322), Journal article, 1975)Dolerite dykes provide the only manifestation of igneous activity in the thick, Riphean to Lower Cambrian, weakly metamorphosed sedimentary sequence of Varanger Peninsula. Major and trace element abundances and ratios from ... -
Geochemistry of mafic dykes in the Corrovarre Nappe, Troms, North Norway
(NGU Bulletin (419), Journal article, 1990)Tholeiitic metadolerite dyke rocks in the Corrovarre Nappe of the Kalak Nappe Complex in North Troms show chemical traits which indicate T-MORB affinities, with fairly flat, chondrite-normalised REE patterns in a (La\/Nb)N ... -
Geofysisk undersøkelse innen kartbladet Smøla (med geofysisk kart M 1:50 000).
(NGU (330), Journal article, 1977)Aeromagnetic and gravimetric surveys have been carried out within the map-sheet, and a map (scale 1:50 000) accompanies the description. An interpretation of the main geophysical anomalies is presented. -
Geologi og petrografi på Nord-Karmøy.
(NGU (247), Journal article, 1967)The athor gives a description of rocks and tectonics on the northern and central part of the island of KarmThe athor gives a description of rocks and tectonics on the northern and central part of the island of Karmøy, ... -
Geologi og vannboring. Kambro-silurbergartenes hydrogeologi i Mjøs- traktene. Meddelelse fra Vannboringsarkivet nr. 3.
(NGU (195), Journal article, 1956)Norwegian rocks are with a few exeptions impervious. The water is concentrated in fractures, joints, fissures, solution openings etc. and hydrogeological study requires kowledge of the tectonics of the different formations ... -
Geologic and structural studies around two geophysical anomalies in Troms, Northern Norway.
(NGU (247), Journal article, 1967)The geology and structures of two windows (the Mauken and the Divielva windows, see fig. 1) are outlined. For the Precambrian supracrustal rocks of the Mauken window, two formations names and one group name are suggested. ... -
Geological and petrographical investigations in the Kongsberg-Bamble formation.
(NGU (160), Journal article, 1943)The rocks of the Kongsberg-Bamble Formation are Pre-Cambrian and belong to the deeper parts of an ancient mountain range (the Sveco-Fennides). The main geological features appear from Table 11. In comparison with the ... -
Geological history and explanation, North Sea. (Abstract)
(NGU (316), Journal article, 1975) -
Geological investigation of a lower tertiary/quaternary core, offshore Trøndelag, Norway.
(NGU (316), Journal article, 1975)Seismic profiling carried out offshore Trøndelag, Norway, has provided a basis for selecting localities for core sampling of the bedrock. A continous, metre-long core revealing new information was recorded. Sedimentological, ...