Browsing Artikler by Title
Now showing items 508-527 of 1064
Mafic dykes in the Lkesdal Nappe at Sørli, Central Norwegain Caledonides: geochemistry and palaeotetonic implications
(NGU Bulletin (435), Journal article, 1999)Mafic dykes intruding feldspathic metasandstones of the Leksdal (Sarv) Nappe in the Sørli district of Nord-Trøndelag, Central Norway, vary from weakly foliated, porphyritic types to more common, strongly schistose, sparsely ... -
Magmatic and detrial pyrrhotite and pentlandite and magmatic troilite from Nordfjellmark, Velfjord-Tosen region, Central Norwegian Caledonides
(NGU Bulletin (427), Journal article, 1995) -
Major element geochemistry of Neoproterozoic successions of Varanger Pensinsula, North Norway, and Sredni and Rybachi Peninsulas, North- west Kola, Russia: provenance patterns and basin evolution
(NGU Bulletin (432), Journal article, 1997)Major element analyses of 461 samples of Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks were classified by using petrochemical plots and statistically treated in cluster analyses. In general, the studied siliciclastic rocks represent ... -
Marginal basin type metavolcanites of the Hersjø Formation, eastern Trondheim District, Central Norwegian Caledonides.
(NGU Bulletin (412), Journal article, 1988)Forkortet.The more than 300 km long greenstone belt of the eastern Trondheim districtin the Caledonian Upper Allochthon displays considerable heterogeneity inlithology as well as metavolcanite geochemistry. A largely ... -
Marine kvartær-fossiler fra Seimsjøen i Sør-Odal.
(NGU (205), Journal article, 1959)The locality is situated 67 km NE of Oslo centre, at the outlet of Seimsjøen, the southwestern extension of Storsjøen lake (water level 130 m above sea level). Borings were undertaken by the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, ... -
Marine microplankton biostratigraphy of the Volgian-Ryazanian boundary strata, western Barents Shelf
(NGU Bulletin (443), Journal article, 2005)Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from Volgian-Ryazanian boundary strata of the western Barents Shelf are generally of low species diversity and moderate to low abundance. The assemblages can be correlated with the ... -
Måling av den radioaktive stråling fra bergarter i Norge
(NGU (211), Journal article, 1960)Kontinuerlig registrering av variasjonen i den radioaktive stråling i Norge er et av resultatene av uranprospekteringen her i landet. Bare den hårde gammastråling er blitt målt og denne er tatt som representativ for total- ... -
Meddelelser fra Vannboringsarkivet nr. 2. Vannboringer utført i traktene omkring Mjøsa og Randsfjorden 1950-52.
(NGU (184), Journal article, 1953)A brief report is given on some water-borings carried out at Mjøsa and northern Randsfjord during the last few years. The rocks in the districts in question consist of Precambrian granite and gneiss. Eocambrian sandstone ... -
Meddelelser fra Vannboringsarkivet. Nr. 1. En orientering om arkivets arbeidsgrunnlag. Om samarbeide med boringsfirmaene. Den viktigste fennoskandiske faglitteratur.
(NGU (184), Journal article, 1953)The article is the first report from the sewly established archives for well drillings in Norwegian bedrock. The number of wells is estimated to about 1300. The data, obtained in cooperation with well-drillers, concern ... -
Meddelelser om Svenningdal sølvgruber
(NGU (1), Journal article, 1891)Forkortet: This mines lies in Northern Norway at 64 \u00B0 50' n.l. on the western side of the Vefsn-valley. The environing rock consists of hornblende-shist, limestone and phyllite, occuring in alternating strata and ... -
Melkedalen grube i Ofoten. Søndre Ofotens malmforekomster I.
(NGU (169), Journal article, 1946)Melkedalen copper mine is situated at latitude 68 degrees 15 N, in the district of Ofoten, Northern Norway. It has formerly been mined only for chalcopyrite, but actually iron pyrites and sphalerite are equally important ... -
Mellem Bygdin og Bang
(NGU (14), Journal article, 1894)Forkortet: Bygdin is a mountain-lake in central Norway at 61\u00B0 20' N. Bagn is a place farther to the South at 60\u00B0 50' N. On the schematic birds-eye-view p. 18 Bygdin lies at J; Bagn at Bg. The base of the Archaean, ... -
Melt-mineral-fluid interaction in pealkaline silicic intrusions in the Oslo Rift, Southeast Norway. II. High temperature fluid inclusions in the Eikeren-Skrim.
(NGU Bulletin (417), Journal article, 1990)The Eikeren-Skrim subvolcanic granite complex consists of mildly peralkaline rocks, most of which contain abundant miarolitic cavities. Optical microscope studies reveal that several generations of fluids and solids were ... -
Melt-mineral-fluid interaction in peralkaline silicic intrusions in the Oslo Rift, Southeast Norway. I. Distribution of elements in the Eikeren ekerite.
(NGU Bulletin (417), Journal article, 1990)The behaviour of different elements during formation of the Eikeren ekerite (alkali granite) has been studied with the help of an element correlation matrix. The compositional relations are the result of partitioning of ... -
Melt-mineral-fluid interaction in peralkaline silicic intrusions in the Oslo Rift, Southeast Norway. III. Alkali geothermometry based on bulk fluid inclusion content.
(NGU Bulletin (417), Journal article, 1990)Decrepitation-linked ICP analyses of bulk fluid inclusion in quartz in 14 samples from the Sande nordmarkite (quartz syenite) and the Eikeren Skrim ekerite (alkali granite) plutonic complexes yield Na\/K ratios which suggest ... -
Melt-mineral-fluid interaction in peralkaline silicic intrusions in the Oslo Rift, Southeast Norway. IV. Fluid inclusions in the Sande nordmarkite.
(NGU Bulletin (417), Journal article, 1990)The mildly peralkaline Sande nordmarkite (quartz syenite) intrusion contains interstitial quartz and mafic minerals (alkali amphibloe, ilmenite, titanomagnetite, zirkon, sphene + calcite). Three generations of fluid ... -
Mesozoic sediments and structures onshore Norway and in the coastal zone
(NGU Bulletin (450), Journal article, 2010)In mainland Norway, Mesozoic sedimentary rocks (Jurassic and Cretaceous) outcrop only on Andøya. These are the youngest rocks on land anywhere in Norway. Triassic dykes occur in West Norway, while Mesozoic structures and ... -
Meta-andesites in the Caledonides in the Suldal area, Ryfylke.
(NGU (288), Journal article, 1973)Meta-andesites interlayered with quartz-mica schists, phyllites and tuffites of supposed Cambro-Silurain age cover an area of about 120 km2 in the Suldal area, Ryfylke. Recrystallized meta-andesites are also found in the ... -
Metallogeny of Finnmark, North Norway
(NGU Bulletin (403), Journal article, 1985)Metalliferous ore deposits and mineralisations in the county of Finnmark occur in rocks ascribed to three specific periods of geological time: 1) Archaean 2) Early Proterozoic 3) Caledonian. The only Archaean ore deposits ... -
Metamorfe og eruptive bergarter på Hitra.
(NGU (223), Journal article, 1963)The area investigated comprises the northern part of the island of Hitra with surrounding smaller islands, situated west of Trondheim, Norway. North of a line between Strømfjorden and Fillan strongly metamorphosed sediments ...