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V. Om Andøens jurafelt, navnlig om landets langsomme nedsynken under juratiden og den senere hævning samt gravforkastning
(NGU (43), Journal article, 1905)Forkortet:Das Andøya Jurafeld, das auf der Strandebene (s. Fig.1,4 und Tafel I.Profil Fig.1 und 2) liegt, hat eine L\u00E4nge von ca. 8.4 Km und ein Areal auf festem Lande von etwa 10 km\u00B2; das Areal muss aber noch ... -
Valdres-sparagmittens stratigrafiske stilling.
(NGU (205), Journal article, 1959)The Valdres Sparagmite is a deposit chiefly of arkoses (sparagmites) in central Southern Norway. It lies above fossiliferous Ordovician sediments and has thus been considered as of Ordovician or Silurian age by Norwegian ... -
Valdressparagmitten og det såkalte gabbrokonglomerat i Sjodalen.
(NGU (200), Journal article, 1957)The author sticks to his opposition against Trygve Strand's interpretation (NGU årbok 1955, pp. 43-56) of the metamorphic greenstone with Trondhjemitic veins in Sjodalen as \"gabbro-conglomerate\" of the Valdres Sparagmite ... -
Valg av materiale til utlutningsforsøkene.
(NGU (108), Journal article, 1922) -
Vann i grus og sand. Meddelelse fra Vannboringsarkivet nr. 6.
(NGU (203), Journal article, 1958)Every year about 600 drilled wells are carried out in Norway. The wells are with a few exeptions rock-wells. The ground water in the Quaternary porous and permeable deposits is not effectively utilized. Till now only 15 ... -
Vannboring i Øst- og Midt-Finnmark. Meddelelser fra vannboringsarkivet nr. 9.
(NGU (205), Journal article, 1959)This is a brief report of six water-borings carried out in Eocambrian rocks in the eastern part of Finnmark. These borings show that there are good possibilities for obtaining satisfactory results from wells bored in these ... -
Variation diagrams supporting the stratiform, magmatic origin of the Jotun Eruptive Nappes.
(NGU (203), Journal article, 1958)Variasjonsdiagrammer av Jotuneruptivdekkenes bergartsserierbekrefter deres primært magmatiske lagdeling, fremkommet ved mere ogmindre komplett, gravitativ differentiasjon. De her publisertediagrammer med tekst er ment som ... -
Våre leravsetninger som byggegrunn.
(NGU (151), Journal article, 1938)In this paper has been given a brief statement of the character of our marine clay to an extent considered important for the study of clay as a foundation for building. Our marine clay chiefly consists of fragments of ... -
Vega. Beskrivelse til det geologiske generalkart
(NGU (80), Journal article, 1917)The region described is situated on the coast of Northern Norway between 65 and 66 dgrs. N. The coast is surrounded by a girdle of islands and skerries. This archipelago is up to 50 km broad. Here are the islands Leka, ... -
Velfjord. Beskrivelse til det berggrunnsgeologiske gradteigskart I 18 - 1:100 000.
(NGU; Skrifter (274; 1), Journal article, 1972)The various lithologies are described. These comprise granitic basements rocks of supposed Pre-Cambrian age and Cambro-Silurian supracrustals and intrusives. The intrusives are mostly found within the Bindal and Velfjord ... -
Volcanostratigraphy and eruptive products of the Jonsvatn greenstone formation, central Norwegian Caledonides.
(NGU (387), Journal article, 1983)The predominantly volcanic, Ordovician, Jonsvatn greenstone formation comprises appr. 500 m of tholeiitic basalts and associated volcanic products, with interbedded sediments totalling some 100-200 m in thickness. In the ... -
Vore myrers plantedække og torvarter
(NGU (99), Journal article, 1923)Die vorliegende Abhandlung enth\u00CClt die Resultate einer Untersuchung der Moore Norwegens, ihre Vegetation, sowie ihre Torfarten betreffend. Die Analyse der Vegetation ist nach der Methode von Raunkiær von Hanna ... -
Voss. Fjeldbygningen inden rektangelkartet Voss's omraade
(NGU (40), Journal article, 1905)Forkortet:The Western gneiss region. The lightest red in the map is gneiss, the darkestred is an amphibole-bearing rock, the Evanger diorite, mostly made schistoseby compression; the middle red represents granite the ... -
Weichselian and Holocene geology of Sør-Trøndelag and adjacent parts of Nord-Trøndelag county, Central Norway
(NGU Bulletin (426), Journal article, 1994)In Sør-Trøndelag and adjacent parts of Nord-Trøndelag a clayey till (10-25% in the clay fraction) is commonly found below 1-5 m of sandy till (1-5% in the clay fraction). The clayey till is mostly found in drumlins, in ... -
Weichselian ice movements, sediments and stratigraphy on Hardanger- vidda, South Norway.
(NGU (350), Journal article, 1979)Based on studies of glacial directional elements and on lithology, palynology and stratigraphy of the Quaternary sediments, the following climatostratigraphy and ice movement patterns are indicated; an early ice-free period, ... -
Ytre Rendal og Stor-Elvdal. Beskrivelse til de geologiske rektangel- kart.
(NGU (194), Journal article, 1956)The solid rocks of the map sheet Ytre Rendal and Stor-Elvdal have been mapped by per Holmsen and Chr. Oftedahl. The rock types belong to the following groups: Precambrian, essentially granitic rocks. Sparagmite Group, ... -
Zinc and lead deposits in the Håfjell syncline, Ofoten, northern Norway.
(NGU (244), Journal article, 1967)This paper deals with the stratigraphic position, the tectonic development and the major mineralogy of the ores and imediate wall rocks of the Håfjell syncline, on the southern side of the Ofoten fjord, Northern Norway. ... -
Zur Geologie und Tektonik des Akersvatn Gebietes, Rana, Nordland.
(NGU (327), Journal article, 1976)The Akersvatn region is located within the high-metamorphic R\u00CEdingsfj\u00CCll Nappe in the Central Scandinavian Caledonides. The investigated area is subdivided into three tectonic units: The Græsfjell Complex, the ... -
Zur Petrographie des Valdres-Sparagmites zwischen Bitihorn und Langsuen/Valdres (Süd-Norwegen).
(NGU (243B), Journal article, 1967)Der Valdres-Sparagmite zwischen Bitihorn und Langsuen zeigtfolgende Ausbildungsarten: 1. Langsu-Formation (400 m) a)Muskovit-Epidot-Aktinolith-Schiefer mit klastischen Hornblende, b)Plagioklas- und epidotreiche Sparagmite ... -
Zur Stratigraphie und Petrographie des Valdres-Sparagmites und der Mellsenn-Gruppe bei Mellane/Valdres (Süd-Norwegen).
(NGU (243A), Journal article, 1967)In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird in Zusammenhang mit den tektonischen Ergebnissen von R.P. Nickelsen (s. S. 99) eine Stratigraphie und Petrographie des Valdres-Sparagmites und der Gesteine gegeben, die in der Literatur unter ...