• Norsk granit 

      Oxaal, John (NGU (76), Journal article, 1916)
      This work is a report of granite and the granite industry in Norway. It contains a description of the various fields of granite and similar rocks from a scientific as well as from a technical and economical standpoint. The ...
    • Norsk marmor 

      Vogt, Johan H.L. (NGU (22), Journal article, 1897)
      Forkortet: Diese Arbeit zerf\u00E4llt in vier Hauptabschnitte. 1. \u00DCber die Geologie des Marmors (S.4-18). 2. \u00DCber die wichtigsten Eigenschaften des Marmors, mit besonderer R\u00FCcksicht auf die norwegischen ...
    • Norske bergarter 

      Ukjent forfatter (Design product, 2019)
      En bergart består av et eller flere ulike mineraler. Fargen, størrelsen og formen på mineralkornene bestemmer bergartens utseende. Ut fra sin opprinnelse deles bergartene inn i tre hovedtyper: sedimentære, metamorfe og ...
    • Norske kilder. Meddelelse fra Vannboringsarkivet nr. 7. 

      Skjeseth, Steinar (NGU (203), Journal article, 1958)
      Norwegian springs may be divided into two main groups: A. Springs from Quaternary deposits. B. Springs from rock. Common types of springs from Quaternary deposits are shown in figs. 1-3. In areas covered by sea, during and ...
    • Norske kommuners bruk av grunnvann til vannforsyning 

      Ellingsen, Knut (NGU-Rapport (91.248), Report, 1992)
      Oppgaver over bruk av grunnvann i vannforsyningen er innsamlet fra kommunenes tekniske etater, hovedsaklig ved hjelp av fylkeskontaktene i GiN-prosjektet. Alle kommunene i Norge er dekket, I dataene er det skilt mellom ...
    • North Sea basinal area, Europe - an important oil and gas province. 

      Dunn, W.W. (NGU (316), Journal article, 1975)
      (Forkortet) The North Sea covers the offshore part of a major sedimentary basin which extends from Norway, Scotland, and Denmark across northern Germany and the Netherlands into eastern England. Information gained from ...
    • North Sea troughs and plate tectonics. 

      Whiteman, A.J.; Pegrum, R.M.; Naylor, D.; Rees, G. (NGU (316), Journal article, 1975)
      Interlinked roughly trilete-shaped predominantly sub-Upper Cretaceous trough systems extending north-south for more than 1200 km are described for the North Sea basin and the Northeast Atlantic. Palimpsest tectonic controls ...
    • Norway Basin Aeromagnetic Survey NB-07 - Acquisition, processing and interpretation 

      Gernigon, Laurent; Lynum, Rolf; Koziel, Janusz; Olesen, Odleiv (NGU-Rapport (2008.052), Report, 2008)
      A high sensitivity aeromagnetic survey, NB-07, was carried out in an area of 155.000 km2 from the outer Vøring Basin to the Faroes Plateau in the Norway Basin. Data processing comprised spike-removal and data editing, ...
    • Norway's coastal aggreagates. Export in 2007 and potential deposits 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2008.044), Report, 2008)
      The Geological Survey of Norway has compiled an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and exporting, as well as ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Export in 2004 and potential. 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2005.030), Report, 2005)
      The Gelogical Survey of Norway is in the process of compiling an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and export, ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Export in 2005 and potential 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2006.046), Report, 2006)
      The Geological Survey of Norway is in the process of compiling an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Current production in 2001 and potential. April 2002. 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2002.037), Report, 2002)
      The Geological Survey of Norway is in the process of making an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and potential ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Export 2012 and potential 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2013.036), Report, 2013)
      The Geological Survey of Norway has compiled an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and exporting, as well as ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Export 2013 and potential 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2014.027), Report, 2014)
      The Geological Survey of Norway has compiled an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and exporting, as well as ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Export 2014 and potential 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2015.034), Report, 2015)
      The Geological Survey of Norway has compiled an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and sxporting, as well as ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Export in 2006 and potential deposits 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2007.044), Report, 2007)
      The Geological Survey of Norway has compiled an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and export, as well as ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Export in 2008 and potential deposits 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2009.032), Report, 2009)
      The Geological Survey of Norway has compiled an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and exporting, as well as ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Export in 2009 and potential deposits 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2010.027), Report, 2010)
      The Geologial Suvey of Norway has compiled an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and exporting, as well as ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Export in 2010 and potential 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2011.047), Report, 2011)
      The Geological Survey of Norway has compiled an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and exporting, as well as ...
    • Norway's coastal aggregates. Export in 2011 and potential 

      Neeb, Peer-Richard (NGU-Rapport (2012.039), Report, 2012)
      The Geological Survey of Norway has compiled an inventory of hard rock aggregate deposits in coastal Norway. This report contains a catalogue of Norwegian coastal quarries presently in production and exporting, as well as ...