Browsing NGU-publikasjoner by Title
Now showing items 4169-4188 of 7138
Mafic dykes in the Lkesdal Nappe at Sørli, Central Norwegain Caledonides: geochemistry and palaeotetonic implications
(NGU Bulletin (435), Journal article, 1999)Mafic dykes intruding feldspathic metasandstones of the Leksdal (Sarv) Nappe in the Sørli district of Nord-Trøndelag, Central Norway, vary from weakly foliated, porphyritic types to more common, strongly schistose, sparsely ... -
Magmatic and detrial pyrrhotite and pentlandite and magmatic troilite from Nordfjellmark, Velfjord-Tosen region, Central Norwegian Caledonides
(NGU Bulletin (427), Journal article, 1995) -
Magnesittmineraliseringer i serpentinitt fra Raudbergfeltet i Vik i Sogn
(NGU-Rapport (85.223), Report, 1985)Under kjerneboring etter ralkforekomster i Raudbergfeltet sommeren 1984 ble det oppdaget interessante magnesittmineraliseringer i serpentinitt. BH 1C ble detaljert undersøkt med henblikk på opptreden av slike mineraliseringer. ... -
Magnetic and radiometric helicopter measurements in Nissedal area, Telemark
(NGU-Rapport (2012.075), Report, 2016)NGU conducted an airborne magnetic and radiometric survey in the Nissedal area in July 2011 on behalf of the Region Geologist in Buskerud, Telemark and Vestfold; Sven Dahlgren. This report describes and documents the ... -
Magnetic and VLF measurements in Klinkenberg area, Røros, Norway, 1999.
(NGU-Rapport (99.109), Report, 1999)Confidential until 19.10.2006 -
Magnetic characterisation of the Norwegian continental shelf
(NGU-Rapport (97.112), Report, 1997)The purpose of the present compilation of the magnetic characteristics of the Norwegian continental shelf is to provide background data for developing a system to reduce the well-bore positional uncertainty in offshore ... -
Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements of Offshore Carbonate Samples
(NGU-Rapport (98.086), Report, 1998)Magnetic susceptibility measurements were made on 84 samples from offshore carbonate cores for Applied Reservoir Technology Ltd. Samples that had been soaked in a brine were first cleaned before being sent to NGU for the ... -
Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements on Concrete Samples
(NGU-Rapport (98.122), Report, 1998)Multiple magnetic susceptibility measurements were made on five concrete samples for SINTEF. The samples were paramagnetic or ferromagnetic. -
Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements on Cores from the North Sea
(NGU-Rapport (96.101), Report, 1996)This report presents results from 160 magnetic susceptibility measurements on cores from seven exploration wells (3\/7-1, 3\/7-2, 7\/3-1, 8\/3-1, 16\/6-1, 17\/4-1 and 18\/11-1) in the southern Norwegian sector of the North ... -
Magnetic susceptibility of sedimentary rocks from shallow cores off Mid Norway and crystalline rocks from adjacent onland areas. NAS-94 Interpretation Report Part II: Petrophysical data
(NGU-Rapport (95.039), Report, 1994)This report presents results from 1659 magnetic susceptibility measurements on cores from the IKU shallow drilling programme in Nordland IV, V, VI and VII areas in addition to susceptibility, remanence and density measurements ... -
Magnetic susceptibility of sedimentary rocks from shallow cores off Mid Norway and crystalline rocks from adjacent onland areas. NAS-94 Interpretation Report Part IIB: Petrophysical data, Revised version
(NGU-Rapport (96.013), Report, 1996)This report has been modified from the 'NAS-94 Interpretation Report, Part II: Petrophysical data'. The revised report presents results from 428 magnetic susceptibility measurements on cores from the IKU shallow drilling ... -
Magnetic, VLF and Slingram measurement in Storskarven area, Røros, Norway, 2000
(NGU-Rapport (2000.065), Report, 2000)Confidential until 19.05.2002. On behalf of Crew Development Corporation the Geologicak Survey of Norway have executed aMagnetic, VLF and Slingram survey over Storskarven area. Storskarven is located north of the lake ... -
Magnetic, VLF and Slingram measurements in Klinkenberg area, Røros, Norway, 2000.
(NGU-Rapport (2000.064), Report, 2000)Confidential until 10.05.2002 On behalf of Crew Development Corporation the Geological Survey of Norway have executed a Magnetic, VLF and Slingram survey over Klinkenberg old Cu-Zn mine. The survey was a continuation of ... -
Magnetic, VLF and Slingram measurements in Tjønnvollmyra area, Holtålen, Norway, 2000
(NGU-Rapport (2000.066), Report, 2000)On behalf of Crew Development Corporation the Geological Survey of Norway have executed a Magneric, VLF and Slingram survey over Tjønnvollmyra area. Tjønn- vollmyra is located 20 km east of Ålen in Sør-Trøndelag county. ... -
Magnetisk modellberegning av talk/klebersteinsforekomst ved Cohkul (Linnajavri Nordområde), Hamarøy kommune, Nordland
(NGU-Rapport (2003.044), Report, 2003)En hel rekke melangesoner og tulknyttede ultramafiske linser med klebersteinsforekomster er tidligere kartlagt innenfor det som er benevnt Linnajavri Nordområde, dvs. den 10 km lange strekningen fra fjellsletten Boarta i ... -
Magnetisk og batymetrisk kartlegging av vegprosjektet Fv. 659 Nordøyvegen, Møre og Romsdal
(NGU-Rapport (2012.012), Report, 2012)I forbindelse med tunnelprosjektet Fv. 659 Nordøyvegen, fastlandsforbindelse med undersjøiske tunneler og broer mellom Skjelten, Hestøya, Lepsøya (Løvsøya), Haramsøya, Flemsøya\/Skuløya, Fjørtofta og Harøya, har NGU utført ... -
Magnetisk og elektromagnetisk flymåling Kautokeino herred.
(NGU-Rapport (258), Report, 1961)Oppgaven var å dekke de 2 grønnstensoner som etter den foreløpige geologiske kartlegging var kjent å strekke seg fra kaledonidene i nord forbi Kautokeino sydover mot grensen til Finnland. Det ble i alt målt over ca. 3 500 ... -
Magnetisk undersøkelse Stuorajavrre.
(NGU-Rapport (305 A), Report, 1962)I 1959 ble det foretatt magnetiske flymålinger i Kautokeino-området (GM Rapport nr. 258). Oppgaven ved foreliggende undersøkelse var ved målinger på bakken (isen) å følge opp noen av flyanomaliene som ligger langs Stuorajavrre. ... -
Magnetiske bakkemålinger ved Ødegården Verk, Bamble, Telemark
(NGU-Rapport (92.218), Report, 1992)Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene av magnetiske bakkemålinger utført ved Ødegården Verk, og resultatene fra susceptibilitetsmålinger på ulike prøver fra området. Målingene var ment som et hjelpemiddel ved kartlegging ...