Browsing NGU-publikasjoner by Title
Now showing items 6155-6174 of 7138
Talc deposits in Norway
(NGU-Rapport (99.135), Report, 2000)Information about talc and soapstone deposits registered in NGU's different databases and various available literature have been collected and described in the present report. Around 400 deposits\/occurrences are known, ... -
Talc-investigation in Norfjord, western Norway
(NGU-Rapport (99.136), Report, 1999)Fortrolig til 01.01.2002. A Reconnaissance study of talc has been carried out in selected parts of the Norfjord area. In the area between Norfjord and Hornindalsvannet a considerable number of ultramafic lenses occur along ... -
Talk i Raudbergfeltet, Vik i Sogn
(NGU-Rapport (86.018), Report, 1986)Rapporten beskriver talkmineraliseringene i Raudbergfeltet, Vik i Sogn, på grunnlag av resultater fra geologisk kartlegging, magnetometri, gravimetri og diamantboriong. Feltet inneholder svært store talkmineraliseringer ... -
Talk-serpentinforekomster i Sparbu, Nord-Trøndelag.
(NGU; Skrifter (290; 4), Journal article, 1973)The report presents a technical description of certain talc-serpentine deposits occuring within the Gula Schist Group (Cambrian) of the Trondheim region. No form of contact metamorphism of the schist can be observed along ... -
Tarva. Kvartærgeologisk kart; Tarva; 15224; 1:50 000; trykt i farger
(Map, 1992)Beskrivelsen finnes på kartet. -
Tålegrense i overflatevann, Finnmark.
(NGU-Rapport (91.223), Report, 1990)Naturens tålegrenser ble et kjent begrep i 1989. Miljøverndepartementet fikk startet et prosjekt for å fastsette tålegrenser for fysiske og biologiske elementer i forskjellige økosystemer. NIVA har deltatt fra starten av ... -
Technical report for cruise 0206 - sampling for environmental geochemistry and sediment instability in fjrods of Western Norway
(NGU-Rapport (2003.028), Report, 2003)A sampling cruise with NGU's research vessel \"Seisma\" to selected fjords inMøre and Romsdal and Sogn og Fjordane, western Norway was undertaken inJune-July, 2002. The objective of this crusie was to obtain sample material ... -
Tectonic evolution of the Northeast Atlantic ocean: a review.
(NGU (316), Journal article, 1975)The hypotheses of sea floor spreading and plate tectonics enable the evolution of ocean basins to be understood provided that there are adequate data on the present and past plate boundaries from the magnetic anomaly ... -
Tectonic features of an area N.E. of Hegra, Nord-Trøndelag, and their regional significance - preliminary notes.
(NGU (255), Journal article, 1968)Following brief notes on the low-grade metasediments occuring in the area near Hegra, 50 km east of Trondheim, the types of structures associated with three episodes of deformation of main Caledonian (Silurian) age are ... -
Tectonic setting of the Tronfjell Massif ; further evidence for pre-Scandian orogenesis in the Trondheim Nappe Complex, Central Norway.
(NGU Bulletin (434), Journal article, 1998)The Tronfjell Massif consists of layered mafic intrusion, containing dunites and olivine-bearing to noritic gabbros, lying within metasedimentary rocks of the Hummelfjell Group. The initially more or less flat form of the ... -
Tectonic succession of the Caledonian nappe front in the Haukelisæter- Røldal area, Southwest Norway.
(NGU (292), Journal article, 1973)It is concluded from reconnaissance studies on Hardangervidda that a succession of 5 allochthonous units occurs above the Precambrian basement and its autochthonous\/parautochthonous cover. The units are named from bottom ... -
Tectono-stratigraphic Setting, Structure and Petrology of HP and UHP Memtamorphic Rocks and garnet Peridotites in the Western Gneiss region, Møre and Romsdal, Norway
(NGU-Rapport (2003.057), Report, 2003)This report is a guidebook for a five day excursion in connection with the Alice Wain Memorial West Norway Eclogite Field Symposium held in Selje from June 21st-28th, 2003. The Western Gneiss Region provides some of the ... -
Tectonometamorphic development of Devonian rocks of western Solund, and regional implications.
(NGU-Rapport (99.033), Report, 1999)Many modern accounts of Devonian rocks of western Norway, which emphasise the extensional phenomena affecting them, tend to ignore or gloss over the deformation and metamorphism which these rocks have suffered during ... -
Tectonostratigraphic succession and development of the Finnmarkian nappe sequence, North Norway.
(NGU (343), Journal article, 1978)Detailed investigations of the Finnmarkian nappe sequence within the 1:250 000 map-sheets \"Hammerfest\", \"Nordreisa\" and \"Honningsvåg\" have revealed a complex construction of discrete nappes, sub-nappes and minor ... -
Tectonostratigraphy in the Velfjord-Tosen region, southwestern part of the Helgeland Nappe Complex, Central Norwegian Caledonides.
(NGU Bulletin (421), Journal article, 1991)In the southwestern parts of the Helgeland Nappe Complex, dismembered ophiolites and their cover sequences are imbricated together with nappes consisting dominantly of continentally derived rock units. A local nappe sequence ... -
Teknisk rapport fra diamantboringene og hullavviksmålingene i Rødalen, vest for Røsjøen, Røros.
(NGU-Rapport (816), Report, 1969)Boringene ble utført i tidsrommet 22. april - 16. november. Hullene ble anvist av RK's geolog Øystein Pettersen som også har beskrevet kjernene. Det ble boret et lang-hull nr. 134 til et dyp av 678,55 m. Det ble videre ...