Now showing items 681-700 of 7138

    • Geology of the western and north-eastern part of the Meråker area. 

      Chaloupsky, Josef; Fediuk, Ferry (NGU (245), Journal article, 1967)
      A thick metasedimentary sequence together with a volcanic and hypabyssal intrusive complex is described. While strata dip generally westwards it can be shown that the succession is, for the most part, inverted; the discovery ...
    • Kobberforekomster på Straumsheia. 

      Neumann, Henrich (NGU (191), Journal article, 1955)
      The deposits have been known for more than 250 years, and have been worked off and on during that period of time with no great success. The total production has probably not been more than one hundred tons of copper. As ...
    • NGU publikasjon nr. 270 

      Askvik, Helge, Graff, Per-Reidar; Jøsang, Ottar; Skjelie, Finn J.; Jorde, Knut; Green, Trevor H. (NGU (270), Journal article, 1971)
    • Tysfjords geologi. Beskrivelse til det geologiske gradteigskart Tysfjord. 

      Foslie, Steinar (NGU (149), Journal article, 1941)
      The situation of the map Tysfjord is shown on p. 10. It comprises a very rugged country between the coast and the frontier, with several glaciers and mountains up to 1744 meter. The present paper contains the geomorphology, ...
    • Some features of tectonic deformation of Old Red Sandstone sediments on Hitra, west central Norway. 

      Roberts, David (NGU (370), Journal article, 1981)
      Minor tectonic structures affecting Downtonian Old Red Sandstone sediments on Hitra indclude folds parasitic to a major syncline, and an associated axial surface spaced cleavage. The cleavage is most prominent in mudstones, ...
    • Gruber og skjerp i kisdraget Øvre Guldal-Tydal. 

      Aasgaard, Gunnar (NGU (129), Journal article, 1927)
      The occurences described in this paper form a connection between th mining districts around Røros to the south and those around Meråker to the north. The occurences lie in mountain regions partly above the forest line. The ...
    • Oversikt over Norges mineraler. 

      Oftedal, Ivar (NGU (170), Journal article, 1948)
      The aim of the present publication is to give a complete list of the mineral species so far known to occur in Norway. Only well defined species have been listed: Therefore a number of mineral names referring to more or ...
    • The low-grade rocks of the Skålvær area, S. Helgeland, and their relationship to high-grade rocks of the Helgeland Nappe Complex. 

      Gustavson, Magne (NGU (322), Journal article, 1975)
      The geological setting of low-grade rocks of the Helgeland Nappe Complex are discussed and it is concluded that the low-grade rocks are part of the nappe complex. Correlation with similar low-grade sequences in (1) the ...
    • Hosanger nikkelgruve. 

      Bjørlykke, Harald (NGU (172), Journal article, 1949)
      (forkortet) The Hosanger nickel deposits are situated on the western coast of southern Norway, about 20 km NE of Bergen. Nickel ore has been produced in 4 mines, Nonås, Litland, Lien I, Lien II Smith Meyers mine). The ...
    • Kentallenite (olovine-monzonite) in Bindal, Central Norwegian Caldonides. 

      Nordgulen, Øystein; Mitchell, John G. (NGU Bulletin (413), Journal article, 1988)
      A rock-type identified as kentallenite is reported from the southwestern partof the Helgeland Nappe Complex, Central Norway. The kentallenite is ahypabyssal rock and belongs to a suite of appinitic mafic dykes and smallstocks ...
    • Devonian tectonic deformation in the Norwegian Caledonides and its regional perspectives. 

      Roberts, David (NGU (380), Journal article, 1983)
      Late-Caledonian megascopic folds deforming the Old Red Sandstone sequences of southern Norway are mostly synclines of E-W to NE-SW trend and E to NE plunge. Thrusts along the eastern and southern margins of several ORS ...
    • Noen kvartærgeologiske iakttagelser i Lakselvdalen, Finnmark. 

      Skålvoll, Harald (NGU (211), Journal article, 1960)
      Some observations of quaternary deposits in Lakselvdalen, Finnmark: Glacial striae and erratics show that the ice has moved from south to north. Ground moraine, dead ice moraine, marine and glacial-fluvial deposits occur. ...
    • Sparagmittgruppens bergarter ved Fåvang, Gudbrandsdalen. En sedimentlogisk og tektonisk undersøkelse. 

      Englund, Jens-Olaf (NGU (238), Journal article, 1966)
      Rocks of latest Precambrian and Eocambrian age (the Sparagmite Group) dominate in the Fåvang area. In the western part they are overlain by Cambrian and Ordovician rocks. The stratigraphy of the sparagmite rocks (p. 58) ...
    • Statens apatitdrift i rationeringstiden. 

      Bugge, Carl (NGU (110), Journal article, 1922)
      The present paper is a report on the mining of apatite started by the Norwegi- an Government as an emergency measure during the phosphate shortage in 1918. The mines operated are situated in the southern part of the country ...
    • Testing of multispectral scanner data for prospecting of ferro-eclogite in the Førdefjord area, western Norway 

      Follestad, Bjørn A.; Cook, Nigel J.; Korneliussen, Are (NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)
      The present investigation aimed to determine remote sensing data can be used in future prospecting for rutile-bearing eclogite. A preliminary study was carried out to establish if the method is suitable for distinguishing ...
    • Geology of the Folldal area, southern Trondheim Region Caledonides, Norway. 

      Bjerkgård, Terje; Bjørlykke, Arne (NGU Bulletin (426), Journal article, 1994)
      The lowest stratigraphic unit in the Folldal area is the Gula Group, comprising turbidites and minor greenstones in the lower part (the Singsås Formation) and graphitic pelites with subordinate marble and conglomerate in ...
    • New fossil finds from the Cambro-Silurian meta-sediments on Hardangervidda. 

      Andresen, Arild (NGU (304), Journal article, 1974)
      The occurrence of Actinoceroid cephalopods (Ormoceras(?) sp.), brachipods (Orthis ss.), and trilobites (Ptychopyge sp.) in a crystalline limestone overlying bluish quartizite on Hardangervidda indicates that Orthoceras ...
    • Geologi og petrografi på Nord-Karmøy. 

      Geis, Hans-Peter (NGU (247), Journal article, 1967)
      The athor gives a description of rocks and tectonics on the northern and central part of the island of KarmThe athor gives a description of rocks and tectonics on the northern and central part of the island of Karmøy, ...
    • Flåt nickel mine. 

      Bjørlykke, Harald (NGU (168b), Journal article, 1947)
    • An evaluation of the determination of heavy metals, barium and phosphorus in sea-bed sediments 

      Grimstvedt, Andreas; Ødegård, Magne; Sæther, Ola M.; Faye, Gjert (NGU Bulletin (430), Journal article, 1996)
      An evaluation of the results obtained by following established procedures for collection and analysis of sea-bed sediments indicates that there is an acceptable reproducibility using nitric acid extraction and subsequent ...