Viser treff 161-180 av 7138

    • Devonian ages from 40 Ar/39Ar dating of plagioclase in dolerite dykes, eastern Varanger Peninsula, North Norway. 

      Guise, Philip G.; Roberts, David (NGU Bulletin (440), Journal article, 2002)
      Gas-release spectra derived from the analysis of plagioclase from three geographically distinct but geochemically comparable dolerite dykes from the eastern part of Varanger Peninsula, northern Norway, show similar features ...
    • Litt om Mjøsjøkelen 

      Hansen, Andr. M. (NGU (37), Journal article, 1903)
      Forkortet: To the East of lake Mjøsa is at Brummundal an isolated outcrop of \"rhombic-feldspar-porphyry\" accompanied by a red or yellowish sandstone quite unique in Norway. The joint occurrence of these exceptional rocks ...
    • An occurrence of unusual minerals at Bidjovagge, Northern Norway. 

      Mathiesen, Carl O. (NGU (266), Journal article, 1970)
      A complex titanium mineral containing abundant vanadium, and iron is described. The distribution of minor cerium, yttrium and scandium characterizes the two phases of which the mineral is comprised. As associate minerals ...
    • Geologiske og petrografiske undersøkelser i Modumfeltet. 

      Jøsang, Ottar (NGU (235), Journal article, 1966)
      Geological mapping of part of the Modum area, the northernmost part of the Kongsberg-Bamble area in the Precambrian of southern Norway, was carried out. The different rocks are described, and metasomatic processes which ...
    • Geologiske og petrografiske undersøkelser i området Tynset-Femunden. 

      Holmsen, Per (NGU (158), Journal article, 1943)
      The present paper is a description of the geology and petrology of the map quadrangle 38 C, Tynset, in southern Norway. Within the map Tynset we find the border between the large S.E.-Norwegian sparagmite area and the ...
    • Provenance and sediment routing of Neoproterozoic formations on the Varanger, Nordkinn, Rybachi and Sredni peninsulas, North Norway and Northwest Russia: a review 

      Roberts, David; Siedlecka, Anna (NGU Bulletin (452), Journal article, 2012)
      Provenances and sediment routing of Neoproterozoic, mainly low-grade, sedimentary successions on four large peninsulas in Northeast Norway (Varanger and Nordkinn) and Northwest Russia (Rybachi and Sredni) have been assessed ...
    • Mikropaleontologiens teknikk. 

      Feyling-Hanssen, Rolf W. (NGU (203), Journal article, 1958)
      Technique of micropaleontology: The article describes the treatment of Formanifera samples from Norwegian Late Pleistocene marine clays. The samples is collected with a thin-wall, stationary piston samper with entrance ...
    • Building stone of central and southern Ethiopia: deposits and resource potential 

      Walle, Haileyseus; Heldal, Tom; Sintayehu, Zewde (NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)
      The bedrock geology of Ethiopia exhibits a variety of rock types that can potentially be developed for building stone production. The ETHIONOR project has so far included investigation of such resources in the southern and ...
    • Thermal conductivities of some ores and rocks in Norway. 

      Logn, Ørnulf; Evensen, Einar (NGU (300), Journal article, 1973)
      Thermal conductivities of 61 diamond core smples are given. Most of the samples are from the Joma pyrite deposit and its neighbouring rocks. The measurements from Joma show that there is a very high conductivity in compact ...
    • Geologiske undersøkelser i sørlige Helgeland og nordlige Namdal. 

      Kollung, Sigbjørn (NGU (254), Journal article, 1967)
      Cambro-Silurian rocks with large intrusive masses cover most of the area. In the south-westernmost part there are also deeper lying rocks. This part is referred to as the basal gneiss region, while the rest of the area is ...
    • Supergene alteration of Norwegian Sulphide deposits - a query. 

      Vokes, F.M. (NGU (213), Journal article, 1961)
      Forfatteren diskuterer en tidligere avhandling av Bjørlykke som behandler spørsmålet om supergene anrikninger i norske kisforekomster. Bjørlykkes forslag er at anrikninger av kobber, utelukkende som kobberkis (kalkopyrit), ...
    • The Iddefjord granite: geology and age 

      Maaløe, Sven; Pedersen, Svend (NGU Bulletin (417), Journal article, 1990)
      The Iddefjord granite forms part of the Swedish Bohus batholith and ranges in composition from diorite to granite. The granite consists of 13 individual plutons, and the mechanism of intrusion is related to block subsidence ...
    • Storisens transport av kisblokker fra Joma. 

      Oftedahl, Christoffer (NGU (203), Journal article, 1958)
      For three summers the Geological Survey of Norway has carried out a special hunt of pyrite boulders within the Grong area and adjacent districts. One result is the establishement of a marked boulder train from the Joma ...
    • Some naturally heavy-metal poisoned areas of interest in prospecting soil chemistry, and geomedicine. 

      Låg, Jul; Bølviken, Bjørn (NGU (304), Journal article, 1974)
      Occurences of naturally lead-poisoned soil and vegetation have been found in 5 different areas in Norway where deposits of galena occur in the bedrock, namely at Snertingdal, Galå near Rena, Nordre Osen, Nord-Aurdal, and ...
    • Brannerite, a new mineral in Norway. 

      Autenboer, Tony van; Skjerlie, Finn J. (NGU (200), Journal article, 1957)
      Ved urandundersøkelser på Modum, ble mineralet brannerit påvist for første gang i Norge. Der forekommer ved hovedveien 300 m vest for Haugfoss bru. Mineralet opptrer på mer eller mindre åpne sprekker i en presset grønnskifer ...
    • Correlation of Doggeelv and Lomvann formations, Komagfjord tectonic window, Finnmark: an alternative suggestion. 

      Reitan, Paul H. (NGU (234), Journal article, 1965)
      Føyn's beskrivelse (1964) av Bossekop-gruppen i Alta-området og jevnføringen med den eldre sandsteinserien i Tana, ledet mine tanker til en annen mulig jevnføring av Doggeelv og Lomvann formasjonene enn den som jeg har ...
    • Årsberetning for 1966 

      Bugge, Jens A.W.; Ingvaldsen, Karl (NGU (247), Journal article, 1967)
    • On kink-zone development and metamorphic differentiation in the low-grade schists of Norwegian Sulitjelma. 

      Nicholson, Robin (NGU (247), Journal article, 1967)
      The common minor scale kink-zones of upper levels of the Furulund schists of eastern Norwegian Sulitjelma generally do not occur in conjugate pairs: usually only the member with northwest dipping axial plane is developed ...
    • Vega. Beskrivelse til det geologiske generalkart 

      Rekstad, J. (NGU (80), Journal article, 1917)
      The region described is situated on the coast of Northern Norway between 65 and 66 dgrs. N. The coast is surrounded by a girdle of islands and skerries. This archipelago is up to 50 km broad. Here are the islands Leka, ...
    • Hallingdal. Beskrivelse til kvartærgeologisk landgeneralkart. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (190), Journal article, 1955)
      (forkortet): The present map of the quaternary deposits of Hallingdal was prepared on the general principles reffered to in the summary of Oslo, NGU no. 16, the first map description published in this series and followed ...