IMP - Interactive Modelling of Potential Field Data (Release 5)
IMP is an interactive, user-friendly, and pseudo 3D modelling program for magnetic and gravity data, and it forms a key-element in the IMP system developed over a total of 4 years. IMP is a forward modelling program which handles all the basic routines normally associated with such systems. In addition, the program provide statistical routines and on-line information on the characteristics of the local Earth's magnetic field (Norway). IMP can further display geographic maps(vector data) and\/or magnetic\/gravity grid images together with profile-lines and geological bodies in plane view (XY plane). Pdepth, an inversion program to calculate depth to magnetic basement can also run inside IMP, hence withnessing the integrated nature of the IMP system which brings it ahead of other systems. A gravity inversion program is currently also under development to run inside IMP.