Structural aspects of the Gaissa thrust belt in the Vestertana - Ruos'tefiel'bma area, Finnmark,N.Norway.(Map sheet Smalfjord 2235 I... M711 1:50 000
The structural geology of the Vestertana - Smalfjord - Tanafjord area was studied. A week, possible early cleavage (S1) has been found only in the tillite sequences of the Vestertana Group; this is thought to be \"bedding\" parallel and is thus not observable in the bedded lithologies of the area. D2 produce a fabric penetrative in pelitic rocks (S2) and a high angle fracture cleavage in quartzo-feldspathic rocks. These fabrics developed in association with the close-tight moderately inclined to recumbent folds (F2). On a large scale the region is dominated by SE to ESE facing open steeply inclined to tight, almost recumbent folds, formed in close association with blind thrusting. A later extensional phase of faulting is present in the footwall to main thrust, the Tarmfjord Thrust.