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dc.contributor.authorNicolet, Pierrick
dc.contributor.authorJarna, Alexandra
dc.contributor.authorJakobsen, Frank
dc.contributor.authorSnook, Ben
dc.contributor.authorHilger, Paula
dc.description.abstractYoung Trondhjemites, the conference for young researchers working with geosciences and engineering in Trondheim, has been arranged in 2018 for the third time. The conference has been held at the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) on the 16 of March. The programme included 3 invited talks. The first of these talks was presented by Jørn H. Hurum, who gave tips on outreach. The two other invited talks were related to petroleum geology and were respectively given by Andr\u00E9 Jensen, who presented the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, and by Tor-Ole Jøssund, who introduced the audience to oil production. The young researcher community contributed with 9 oral presentations and 10 posters. The abstracts of these contributions are presented in the programme order. Finally, 4 workshops have been organised to offer the opportunity to the participants to discuss and learn about how to write an article, how to hold a presentation, how to prepare a poster or how to use a camera to obtain a point cloud (photogrammetry). Around 55 young researchers participated in the conference. The conference has been organised thanks to the support of Norsk Bergforening, the Department of Geoscience and Petroleum (NTNU), AkerBP, Norsk Bergindustri, Forskerforbundet and the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU).
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNGU-Rapport (2018.006)
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal
dc.titleYoung Trondhjemites 2018 - Program and abstracts
dc.relation.project(363500) Young Trondhjemites

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