Now showing items 336-355 of 1064

    • Granite studies I. A gravity investigation of two Precambrian granites in South Norway. 

      Smithson, Scott B. (NGU (214B), Journal article, 1963)
      The Bouguer gravity anomaly map, based on 778 stations, covers the Precambrian rocks along the southeast coast of Norway from the Oslo region to Kristiansand. The principal features of the map are the low gravity gradient ...
    • Granite studies II. The Precambrian Flå granite, a geological and geophysical investigation. 

      Smithson, Scott B. (NGU (219), Journal article, 1963)
      The Flå granite is composed of two adjacent elliptical granite bodies, the larger northern Hedal granite and the Ådal granite. The granites are surrounded by banded granodioritic gneisses. Migmatites and augen gneisses are ...
    • Granitindustrien ved Idefjorden 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (1), Journal article, 1891)
      Forkortet: The Iddefjord is the south-eastern part of Norway at the Swedish border. The granite there is of middle grain and gray (sometimes a little reddish). The rock is to a certain degree cleavable in two directions, ...
    • Graptolitførende skifere i vestre Gausdal. 

      Bjørlykke, Knut O. (NGU (1), Journal article, 1891)
      Forkortet:The Vestre Gausdal is situated in the central part of Southern Norway, 145 kmnorth of Oslo. It lies on the border-zone between the sparagmite-formation,which is Cambrian, and the overlying Silurian schists, which ...
    • Gravel fraction on the Spitsbergen Bank, NW Barents Shelf. 

      Edwards, Marc B. (NGU (316), Journal article, 1975)
      The gravel fraction of the bottom sediment on the Spitsbergen Bank, located south of Svalbard in the NW Barents Sea, is composed predominantly of clastic sedimentary rocks, especially sandstone and shale. Betwwen sampling ...
    • Greenschists from the south-eastern part of Helgeland, Norway, their chemical composition, mineral facies and geological setting. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (203), Journal article, 1958)
      I somrene 1951-54 gjorde forfatteren geologisk kartleggingsarbeidet i den sydøstlige del av Helgeland sammen med en rekke unge assistenter. Det kartlagte området er en omkring 25 km bred stripe langs svenskegrensen, mellom ...
    • Grensen fyllitt - Valdres-sparagmitt i strøket sydøst for Grønsennknipa, Vestre Slidre. 

      Holtedahl, Olaf (NGU (213), Journal article, 1961)
      In a paper of 1959 the writer described boundaries between the Ordovician \"phyllite formation\" and the overlying \"Valdres Sparagmite\" in and just east of the Grønsennknipa mountain mass, west of the Valdres valley, and ...
    • Groundwater chemistry during test-pumping at Sundby, Verdal, Mid-Norway 

      Hilmo, Bernt Olav; Tvedten, Sissel; Sæther, Ola M. (NGU Bulletin (422), Journal article, 1992)
      The Sundby aquifer, Verdal, Mid-Norway has been evaluated for yield and groundwater quality as a potential water resource for the local municipa- pality. Test-pumping of the aquifer commenced in 1989, after detailed ...
    • Groundwater contamination at Trandum landfill, Southeastern Norway 

      Sæther, Ola M.; Voss, Almut; Andreassen, Birger Th.; Ødegård, Magne; Misund, Arve (NGU Bulletin (422), Journal article, 1992)
      Forkortet: The influence of a sanitary landfill on groundwater within the surrounding glaciofluvial deposits has been investigated at Trandum, in the vicinity of Gardermoen international airport, 40 km northeast of Oslo. ...
    • Groundwater contribution to a mountain stream channel, Hedmark, Norway 

      Hongve, Dag; Jørgensen, Per; Englund, Jens-Olaf; Haldorsen, Sylvi; Kirkhusmo, Lars A. (NGU Bulletin (422), Journal article, 1992)
      Forkortet: The Skvaldra stream in Hedmark, Southern Norway is characterized by a stable baseflow. This baseflow is controlled by a significant groundwater supply from Quaternary deposits. The area was chosen for an attempt ...
    • Groundwater pesticide vulnerability: comparing simple assessment methods. 

      Haarstad, Ketil (NGU Bulletin (434), Journal article, 1998)
      Residues of pesticides are found in drinking water and groundwater, in fact all compartments of the water cycle. Should we protect our water sources better, and if so, how? Four methods have been applied to assess the ...
    • Groundwater transit times in a small coastal aquifer at Esebotn, Sogn og Fjordane, western Norway 

      Henriksen, Helge; Soldal, Oddmund; Rye, Noralf (NGU Bulletin (431), Journal article, 1996)
      A shallow alluvial aquifer in Esebotn, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway has been investigated from a hydrological standpoint in order to obtain estimates of groundwater transit times. Water levels, oxygen isotopes, water temperatures ...
    • Gruber og skjerp i kisdraget Øvre Guldal-Tydal. 

      Aasgaard, Gunnar (NGU (129), Journal article, 1927)
      The occurences described in this paper form a connection between th mining districts around Røros to the south and those around Meråker to the north. The occurences lie in mountain regions partly above the forest line. The ...
    • Grundfjeldstektoniske studier omkring Moss (SØ-Norge). En foreløbig meddelelse. 

      Berthelsen, Asger (NGU (247), Journal article, 1967)
    • Grunnfjellet omkring Tangen, østsiden av Mjøsa. 

      Hjelle, Audun (NGU (211), Journal article, 1960)
      Petrographic and structural investigations were made in a Precambrian area east of lake Mjøsa, southern Norway. The rocks, mainly granitic and dioritic, are mostly mylonitised and brecciated. Some of the fault zones are ...
    • Grunnfjellsvinduer i Dividalen, Troms. 

      Gustavson, Magne (NGU (223), Journal article, 1963)
      Two small windows of Precambrian granites were investigated during a few days the summer 1962. Above the granites there follow autochtonous rocks of the Hyolithes Zone, of Lower Cambrian age. On the autochtonous rocks rests ...
    • Grunnvann i aralplanleggingen. GiN-veileder nr. 2 

      Ellingsen, Knut (red.); Skarpaas, Mette (red.); Fredriksen, Ole Falk (red.) (Skrifter (98), Journal article, 1990)
      Veileder nr.2 viser med utgangspunkt i Plan- og bygningsloven og Vassdragsloven hvordan man kan få en midlertidig båndlegging. Veilederen henvender seg primært til planleggere på kommuneplannivå med ansvar for areal- og ...
    • Grunnvann i Norge (GiN). Sluttrapport 

      Ellingsen, Knut (Skrifter (111), Journal article, 1992)
    • Grunnvann i Vestfold. Meddelelse fra Vannboringsarkivet nr. 11. 

      Hagemann, Fredrik (NGU (213), Journal article, 1961)
      Drilling for water has become very common in the county of Vestfold since World War II. The water is mostly restricted to fractures, joints, fissures and solution openings in the rocks. The main rock-types found in Vestfold ...
    • Grunnvann øst for Oslo-feltet. Meddelelse fra Vannboringsarkivet nr. 10. 

      Bryn, Knut Ørn (NGU (213), Journal article, 1961)
      A rapid survey of the general geology south, east and northeast of Oslo is given with a view to explain the differences in water supply in various Precambrian rocks. The gneisses usually give much more water than the more ...