Browsing Artikler by Title
Now showing items 621-640 of 1064
Observations at Raipas miner, Alta, Finnmark. Iakttagelser ved Raipas gruve i Alta.
(NGU (191), Journal article, 1955)Raipas gruve i Alta kommune er en gammel gruve som tilhørte det engelske gruveselskapet Alten Copper-works Ltd. i det 19de århundre. Den produserte 12500 tonn kobbermalm \u00C8 6,3% Cu i en 30 års periode, men har ikke ... -
Oil-leakages on the Øvre Romerike aquifer, Southern Norway
(NGU Bulletin (422), Journal article, 1992)Two leakages of, respectively 20 m3 and <10 m3 of fuel oil have been investi- gated at Trandum and Sessvollmoen, on Norway's Øvre Romerike aquifer. The hydrocarbon content of the unsaturated and saturated sediments, and ... -
Om anvendelsen av Greensand (glaukonit) som jordforbedringsmiddel i de Forente Stater.
(NGU (108), Journal article, 1922) -
Om bruk av megnetometri ved oljeleting.
(NGU; Skrifter (284; 2), Journal article, 1973)The present paper is intended as an elementary introduction for students to the subject of (aero)magnetic prospecting for oil. It covers briefly the following subjects: Magnetism, the geomagnetic field, magnetic anomalies, ... -
Om dannelsen af de viktigste i Norge og Sverige representerede grupper af jernmalmforekomster
(NGU (6), Journal article, 1892)Forkortet: Die bisher bekannten norwegischen und schwedischen Erzlagerst\u00E4tten lassen sich in geologisch-genetischer Beziehung zu einer ziemlich geringen Anzahl Gruppen n\u00E4mlich, wenn wir vorzugsweise die norwegischen ... -
Om de senglaciale og postglaciale nivåforandringer i Kristianiafeltet (Molluskfaunaen).
(NGU (31), Journal article, 1900)Forkortet:The great terminal moraine ridges - the ra's - on both sides of the Oslo Fjord were formerly, especially by De Geer, commonly supposed to indicate the uttermost limit of the last great ice sheet; on pp.3-8 it is ... -
Om elve-erosjon og en isdemt sjø i Birtavarre-området, Troms.
(NGU (184), Journal article, 1953)The geological survey in the Birtavarre region during the summer 1952 had as its main purpose the investigation of the copper ores of the district. However, some attention was also paid to geomorphological and quaternary ... -
Om faunaen i nogle skjælbanker og lerlag ved Norges nordlige kyst
(NGU (37), Journal article, 1903)Forkortet: While a high-arctic climate vet was prevailing, a submergence seems to have taken place in the north of Norway, corresponding to the late glacial sub- mergence at the Oslofjord, according to Brøgger's investigations. ... -
Om fjeldbygningen i Finmarken og guldets forekomst sammesteds
(NGU (4), Journal article, 1891)Forkortet: Dr. Dahll commmenced his investigations in Finnmark 1866. The same year he found alluvial gold in the river Karasjok, tributary to the river Tana, which latter constitutes along a great part of its course the ... -
Om forvitring av glimmermineraler.
(NGU (108), Journal article, 1922) -
Om forvitring av kalifeltspat under norske klimatforhold
(NGU (108), Journal article, 1922)Zusammenfassung s. 84-86. Im n\u00E4chsten kapitel (S. 30-34) behandelt V.M. Goldschmidt die Verwitterung des Kalifeldspats in Norwegen. Die grosse Frische des Kalifeldspats in den meisten norwegischen Gesteinen wird ... -
Om fremstilling av bariumlegeringer
(NGU (107), Journal article, 1922)Die Abhandlung erh\u00E4lt die Resultate einer Untersuchung \u00FCber die Darstellung von Baryumlegierungen, speciel Baryumblei. Die Untersuchung wurde durch das Rohstoffkomite des Staates unter dem Vorsicht des Verfassers ... -
Om glasiasjonssentra i Sør-Norge under slutten av istiden. En sammenligning mellom et østlig og et vestlig område.
(NGU (228), Journal article, 1964)The traditional study of glacial transport has recently been resumed by the Geological Survey of Norway. Two areas of particular interest have been selected for a comparative study, one around Røros in the East and the ... -
Om glimmermineralernes deltagelse i jordbundens kalistofskifte og om disse mineralers betydning for landbruket.
(NGU (108), Journal article, 1922) -
Om Grongkulminasjonen og Grongfeltets skyvedekker.
(NGU (195), Journal article, 1956)On the Grong culmination and the thrust nappes of the Grong area: This paper presents of the major tectonic features of a central part of the Caledonides of Norway, based upon the very detailed and exact geological manuscript ... -
Om kvantitativ bestemmelse av kali.
(NGU (108), Journal article, 1922) -
Om mængden av kalifeltspat, biotit og muskovit i norske bergarter.
(NGU (108), Journal article, 1922) -
Om navn på stratigrafiske enheter.
(NGU (191), Journal article, 1955)The writer follows Hedberg (1954) in stressing that one should distinguish between three categories of stratigraphic classification: litho-, bio-, and chronostratigraphic classification. Norwegian names are suggested for ... -
Om norske dolomiter. Med bemerkning om den praktiske anvendelse av dolomit
(NGU (102), Journal article, 1922)The first section of the paper contains a description of the occurrences of dolomite at the Porsanger Fjord, Finnmarken, Northern Norway. These occurrences have been described before in some detaile by Holtedahl (1918), ... -
Om norske jordarters variasjon i korngradering og plastisitet.
(NGU (186), Journal article, 1954)This paper presents the final results of an investigation on plasticity and grain size distribution in Norwegian soils. A part of the results has been summarized in \"Proceedings of the Third International Conference on ...