Blar i Artikler på tittel
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Early Ordovician ages of zircons from felsic rocks and a conglomerate clast, Frosta peninsula, Central Norwegian Caledonides
(NGU Bulletin (450), Journal article, 2010)Zircons extracted from a felsic sheet in the bimodal, magmatic, Fånes complex of the Støren Nappe on Frosta peninsula yielded a U-Pb age of 488 \u00B1 5 Ma, interpreted as the age of crystallisation. A large clast of ... -
Early Proterozoic (c 2000-1900 Ma) crustal structure of the northeastern Baltic Shield: tectonic division and tectogenesis.
(NGU Bulletin (403), Journal article, 1985)Recent structural investigations in the Precambrian of northern Finnish Lapland and Norwegian Sørvaranger and their extrapolation into the neighbouring Kola Peninsula have stablished that the northeastern part of the Baltic ... -
Early Proterozoic shallow-marine albite-rich sandstone in the Karasjok Greenstone Belt, Norway.
(NGU Bulletin (403), Journal article, 1985)A remarkably little-deformed sandstone in a roadcut near Karasjok showssedimentary structures characteristic of a subaerially exposed tidalenvironment. The fining upward sequence displays flaser bedding, parallellamination, ... -
Echo-soundings in the Skagerrak. With remarks on the geomorphology.
(NGU (223), Journal article, 1963)Denne avhandling gir, først og fremst på plansjer og andre figurer, resultatet av ekko,lodninger som på foranledning av forfatteren, i tidsrommet 1953-60, er blitt utført i Skagerrak-området av en rekke fartøyer til belysning ... -
Economic potential of potassic feldpar-rich gneisses in Tysfjord/ Hamarøy, northern Norway
(NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)Potassic feldspar gneiss in the Tysfjord\/Hamarøy area may be potential resource for future exploitation. The rock consists primarily of microcline (up to 84%) and quartz (up to 35%) together with small amounts of plagioclase ... -
Edel granat fra Otterøy ved Molde.
(NGU (255), Journal article, 1968)A gemgarnet from Otterøy by Molde, Western Norway, is described. The garnet display an \"alexandrite-like effect\", i.e. the colour varies with the nature of the incident light. The transmission curves shows absorbtion ... -
Eemian and Weichselian deposits at Bø on Karmøy, SW Norway: a preliminary report.
(NGU (380), Journal article, 1983)Lithological and biostratigraphical studies, including studies of pollen, foraminifera and molluscs, together with amino acid analysis, radiocarbon datings and Uranium-Thorium datings of the deposits in a 21 m section with ... -
Egersund. Fjeldbygningen inden rektangelkartet Egersunds omraade
(NGU (71), Journal article, 1914)Forkortet: The principal part of the rocky underground consists of labradorite-rocks, as may be seen on the map. These are not homogeneous all over the area neither with regard to the mineralogical composition, nor regarding ... -
Einergrein av Preboreal alder funnet i israndavsetning i Eidfjord, Vest-Norge.
(NGU (266), Journal article, 1970)In 1969 a branch of juniper (Juniperus communis) was found in a sand-pit on the ice marginal delta in Eidfjord, West-Norway. Radiocarbon dating gave an age of 9680\u00B190 years B.P., which means that the delta is Preboreal ... -
Eisen-TitanlagerstÌtten bei Raudsand, Westnorwegen.
(NGU (234), Journal article, 1965)A number of magnetite-ilmenite deposits near Raudsand in western Norway are described. The orebodies lie in lenses and plates of amphibolite. These amphibolites are conformable within the surrounding late precambrian or ... -
Elektrisk metalsmelting. Forsøk og undersøkelser utført ved marinens torpedo- og minefabrik i samarbeide med Statens Raastofkomite
(NGU (104), Journal article, 1922)Preliminary tests have been gone through with: 1. Arcfurnaces. 2. Resistance- furnaces. 3. Inductionfurnaces. 4. Electrically heated crucibles. The last type was chosen for tests on a technical scale, two 200 lbs. furnaces ... -
Elvdal. Beskrivelse til kvartærgeologisk kart 2018 III - M 1:50 000 (med fargetrykt kart)
(NGU; Skrifter (346 ; 27), Journal article, 1979)The superficial deposits consists mainly of sandy basal till\r and gravelly-sandy ablation till. The glaciofluvial and fluvial\rsediments are mainly gravelly. The lithology of the fine gravel and the\r mineralogy of sand ... -
En "flyttblokk" av finsand.
(NGU (255), Journal article, 1968)An \"erratic boulder\" of fine sand: A special, isolated deposit of fine sand in a coarse sand deposit of fluvio-glacial character at Brusletten, Dovre, in central Norway has been described. The fine sand has probably been ... -
En dag ved Åreskutan
(NGU (1), Journal article, 1891) -
En forekomst af kaolin og ildfast ler ved Dydland nær Flekkefjord
(NGU (32), Journal article, 1901)Forkortet: The lower part of the Sire river in Southwestern Norway has the appearance of a fjord 4 km long. Not far from it is Jøsingfjord only 2 km long. The peninsula between these two fjords is as a whole rather low and ... -
En forekomst av ren kvarts i Krødsherred
(NGU (103), Journal article, 1922)The paper describes an occurrence of comparatively pure quartz near lake Krøderen in Krødsherad, southern Norway. The quantity of quartz available by quarrying from the surface now exposed to a depth of about 5 m is estimated ... -
En geologisk undersøkelse på den nordvestlige del av kartblad Børgefjell.
(NGU (211), Journal article, 1960)A geological investigation of the Caledonid of the Majavatn-Kvigtindregion, Nordland, Norway. The northwestern part of the map area Børgefjell, Nordland, was investigated during the summers of 1957 and 1958, seven weeks ... -
En geologisk undersøkelse på den sørøstre del av kartbladet Salangen.
(NGU (234), Journal article, 1965)Petrographic and structural investigations were made in a Cambro-Ordovician area of the Caledonides of Northern Norway, situated in Salangen, Troms. The rocks, mainly mica schists rich in biotite and\/or muscovite, are ... -
En hornblenderik sone i Seiland-peridotitten. Foreløbig meddelelse.
(NGU (188), Journal article, 1954)A hornblende-rich zone in the peridotite of Seiland: In the island of Seiland the presence of an extensive peridotite mass was known from earlier investigations. This rock proved to be of a varying mineral composition, the ... -
En kort redegjørelse for resultaterne fra kortlægningen af Altevatnområdet i Indre Troms.
(NGU (277), Journal article, 1972)An outline of the stratigraphy and tectonics of an areasituated across the Caledonian thrust front south of Altevatn, northernNorway, is presented. The lithologies are described and it is shownthat the stratigraphy of the ...