Now showing items 448-467 of 1064

    • Kisdistriktet Varaldsøy-Ølve i Hardanger og bergverksdriftens historie. 

      Foslie, Steinar; Dietrichson, Brynjulf (NGU (147), Journal article, 1955)
      When Steinar Foslie suddenly passed away in november 1951, he had finished the geological map here presented: \"Kisdistriktet Varaldsøy-Ølve i Hardanger\", based on field-work during 1942-49. Furthermore his M.S. contained ...
    • Kobberforekomster på Straumsheia. 

      Neumann, Henrich (NGU (191), Journal article, 1955)
      The deposits have been known for more than 250 years, and have been worked off and on during that period of time with no great success. The total production has probably not been more than one hundred tons of copper. As ...
    • Komatiitic Chlorite-amphibole rocks and mafic metavolcanics from the Karasjok greenstone belt, Finnmark, northern Norway: a preliminary report. 

      Henriksen, Helge (NGU (382), Journal article, 1983)
      A general account is presented of the field relationships, geochemistry and petrology of mafic and ultramafic metavolcanics within the Precambrian Karasjok greenstone belt. These metavolcanic rocks make up the major part ...
    • Kongsberg Sølvverk. 

      Bugge, Arne (NGU (250 C), Journal article, 1967)
      Kongsberg Silver Mines were worked practically continously from 1623 to 1955. After the Silver Mines were closed down in 1955, all the literature, including the old records and maps, were distributed amongst various ...
    • Kongsberg-Bamble formasjonen 

      Bugge, Arne (NGU (146), Journal article, 1936)
      A prominent friction breccia running from Modum in north to Kristiansund in south divides the pre-Cambrian of Southern Norway into two parts that differ markedly in their geology, petrography, metamorphism and ore deposits. ...
    • Kongsbergfeltets geologi. 

      Bugge, Carl (NGU (82), Journal article, 1917)
      Kongsberg is situated about 80 km west of Oslo at the river Numedalslågen. On p. 8 may be seen a list of the rocks, which occur in the region. All these rocks are of Precambrian age. Besides, there occur dykes of diabase, ...
    • Kongsfjell-områdets geologi, en petrografisk og strukturell undersøkelse i Helgeland, Nord-Norge. 

      Ramberg, Ivar B. (NGU (240), Journal article, 1967)
      The area investigated is situated in the Rødingsfjell nappe of the Norwegian Caledonides in Helgeland, North Norway. The study is divided into two main parts; the first structural and the second petrographic. The first ...
    • Kongsvingerfeltets geologi. 

      Gvein, Øyvind (NGU (246 B), Journal article, 1967)
      The rocks and tectonic features of the Kongsvinger area are described. The area consists of steeply dipping, probably isoclinally folded supracrustal rocks separated by granites, the latter being cataclastic and schistose. ...
    • Kort beretning om Norges Geologiske Undersøkelses ekspedisjon til Birtavarre gruvefelt i Troms, 1952. 

      Gjelsvik, Tore (NGU (184), Journal article, 1953)
      The paper gives a short review of the initial work of a Survey expedition to the southern part of the pyrite ore province of Vaddas-Birtavarre in Northern Norway. The ore bodies occur as concordant bands and lenses in ...
    • Kort beskrivelse av bergartene. 

      Broch, Olaf Anton (NGU Bulletin (155), Journal article, 1940)
      Petrographic inspection of the rocks reveals that all of them, both sedimentary and igneous, are metamorphic. The igneous rocks are gabbroic and trondhjemitic. The rocks of gabbroic origin (among them probably hypabyssal ...
    • Kort oversigt over kobberets inflydelse paa jern og staal 

      Guertler, W. (NGU (117), Journal article, 1923)
      The research work by various authors on the influence of copper in iron and steal is given in a condensed form. On pages 1-2 is explained why earlier researches often disagree owing to want to exact knowledge of the true ...
    • Kulforekomsten paa Andøen 

      Dahll, Tellef (NGU (4), Journal article, 1891)
      Forkortet: A map and section are given p. 132. \"Myr\" signifies peatmoss, \"sandsten\" sand- stone, \"lerjernsten\" clay ironstone, \"bitumines skifer\" bituminous shale, \"skjælmergel\" shell-marl, \"borhul\" borehole, ...
    • Kullblendeførende breksje ved Hof, Solør. 

      Hjelle, Audun; Bryn, Knut Ørn (NGU (213), Journal article, 1961)
      The breccia has possibly connection with the Permian faults in Rendalen, farther north, and the coal blend is probably derived from the dark Cambrian shale, once deposited on the Precambrian peneplane. A number of minerals ...
    • Kvaliteten av grunnvann. Meddelelse fra Vannboringsarkivet nr. 5. 

      Skjeseth, Steinar (NGU (200), Journal article, 1957)
      Quality of ground water: The quality of ground-water from drilled wells in Norway is little known. The ground water mainly occurs in fractures. Open fracture-systems, with rapid circulation of ground-water, may easily lead ...
    • Kvartære avleiringer i Østfold 

      Rekstad, J. (NGU (91), Journal article, 1922)
      This paper is a contribution to the quaternary geolgoy of the south-eastern part of Norway. The district lies between the Oslo Fjord and the Swedish frontier. The map, fig. 1 shows the direction of the movement of ice ...
    • Kvartærgeologiske undersøkelser i Randsverkområdet, Jotunheimen. 

      Jørgensen, Per (NGU (228), Journal article, 1964)
      A short account is given of the Late Pleistocene deglaciation and drainage in an area of Jotunheimen (fig. 2). Already at the beginning the mountain tops emerges through the ice sheet, and it is possible to follow the ...
    • Labrador 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (1), Journal article, 1891)
      Forkortet: Labrador. This is the name in trade for the beautiful dark grey augite-syenite with labradorizing soda-orthoclase from the region of Frediksværn and Larvik on our Southcoast.
    • Lagfølgen på Hardangervidda og den såkaldte "høifjeldskvarts" 

      Brøgger, Wilhelm C. (NGU (11), Journal article, 1893)
      Forkortet: Der Alaunschiefer ist namentlich in s\u00FCd\u00F6stlichsten Theil von Vidda typisch ausgebildet; die Schiefer sind nicht mehr unver\u00E4nderte Alaunschiefer sondern regionalmetamorphische Aequivalente. Zu ...
    • Large continental rotations during Vendian and Palaeozoic times: a simple geodynamic explanation 

      Torsvik, Trond Helge (NGU Bulletin (427), Journal article, 1995)
      Frie emneord: Platerotasjon
    • Late Precambrian and Cambro-Ordovician sedimentation in East Finnmark. 

      Hobday, D.A.; Reading, H.G.; Banks, N. L.; Edwards, M.B.; Geddes, W.P. (NGU (269), Journal article, 1971)
      The presence of two closely spaced tillite formations within the Precambrian and Cambro-Ordovician sediments of eastern Finnmark permits subdivision into pre-glacial and post-glacial regimes. On the northern side of ...