Now showing items 472-491 of 1064

    • Late-Caledonian structures, differential retrogression and structural position of (ultra)high-pressure rocks in the Nordfjord-Stadlandet area, Western Gneiss Region 

      Krabbendam, Maarten; Wain, Alice (NGU Bulletin (432), Journal article, 1997)
      Late-Caledonian, amphibolite-facies structures in the Nordfjord-Stadlandet area comprise an 8 km-wide zone of non-coaxial shear below the Nordfjord-Sogn Detachment (NSD). Below this zone, coaxial structures dominate. The ...
    • Latest Precambrian and Eocambrian stratigraphy of Norway. 

      Bjørlykke, Knut; Kirkhusmo, L.A.; Englund, Jens-Olaf (NGU (251), Journal article, 1967)
    • Lead isotope determinations by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS): potential of sector field instruments 

      Flem, Belinda; Cook, Nigel; Grimstvedt, Andreas (NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)
      Lead isotope measurements have been carried out using a high-resolution inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (Finnigan MAT ELEMENT, configurated with CD-1 option) The method can be applied to all types of geological ...
    • Lead-zinc hydrothermal mineralization in the Pechenga Area, Kola Peninsula, Russia 

      Abyalov, Marat Z.; Ryungenen, Genrikh I. (NGU Bulletin (423), Journal article, 1992)
      The Early Proterozoic Pechenga supracrustal belt in the western part of the Kola Peninsula, Russia contains hydrothermal Pb-Zn mineralizations, occurring as veins or sulphide disseminations along hydrothermally altered ...
    • Leirfall på Nedremule, Byneset 1943. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (167), Journal article, 1946)
      At Nedre Mule in Byneset about 20 km west of Trondheim, a clay slide occurred on the 24th of May 1943, wasting 20 000 sq. m. of cultivated land. The ground slid into the fjord Gulosen. A mud flow was visible in the course ...
    • Leirfall ved Aaserumvatnet i Hedrum 1940. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (167), Journal article, 1946)
      On the first of July 1940 a clay-slide took place on the beach of lake Aaserumvatnet, 10 km West of Sandefjord. The slide occurred in several repetitions. Commencing at 7 o'clock in the morning the ground was not at rest ...
    • Leirfall ved Holund i Grong 1942. 

      Holmsen, Per (NGU (167), Journal article, 1946)
      On january 19th, 1942 a violent clay-slide took place near the farm Holund in Grong district, east of Namsos. The size of the displaced area was about 1 acre. A heavy wave of liquid clay rushed down into a small valley. ...
    • Leirfall ved Kulstadsjøen, Vefsnfjorden 1940. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (167), Journal article, 1946)
      During the building of the railway line between Mosjøen and Mo in Nordland, the nearly completed work on the ballast was destroyed by a submarine slide on August 31th, 1940. The railway line 3 km north of Mosjøen along the ...
    • Leirfall ved Leirnesset, Foldereid 1939-40. 

      Holmsen, Per (NGU (167), Journal article, 1946)
      In the autumn of 1930 a clay-slide took place near Foldereid, Northern Norway. Part of the cross country road to Nordland was touched by the slide. In order to reconstruct the road traverse, borings and ground studies were ...
    • Leirfallet ved Knivsvik i Hurum 1940. 

      Holmsen, Per (NGU (167), Journal article, 1946)
      In the night preceding to October 11th, 1940, a clay-slide took place by Knivsvik near Drammen. This was a typical clay-slide; some liquid clay (\"Kvikkleire\") flowed down a brooklet called Knivsvikbekken. Most of the ...
    • Leirfallet ved Kverne i Stokke 1944. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (167), Journal article, 1946)
      In a marine clay deposit at Kverne in Stokke, near the town of Tønsberg, a great fall of the ground took place on Oct. 9th, 1944. The area hit by the slide amounts to 76 500 sq. metres of well cultivated field. Through a ...
    • Leirfallet ved Lade, Trondheim 1944. Foredrag holdt i Norsk Geologisk Forening 11.4.1945 

      Holmsen, Per (NGU (167), Journal article, 1946)
      On April 11. 1944 a clay-slide took place near Ladehammeren N of Trondheim. About 5 acres of the field between Lade Alle and the Ladebekken streamlet slid down. Liquid clay was not visible. There was great uncertainty about ...
    • Lerfaldene ved Kokstad, Gretnes og Braa. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (132), Journal article, 1929)
      The marine clay deposits in the South Eastern part of Norway, in the Trondheim district, and in certain valleys in Northern Norway are often distressed by landslides which make freat damages. In historical times the largest ...
    • Lerfall i årene 1930-1932. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (140), Journal article, 1934)
      A previous paper (NGU, no. 132) by the same author treats of three recent landslips in marine clay deposits. In the present publication is given a description of some clayslides, which took place in the above mentioned ...
    • Lerfall og ras i årene 1933-1939 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (166), Journal article, 1946)
    • Lerfall på eiendommen Solbakken i Sandar. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (166), Journal article, 1946)
      This place is situated 1 km North West of the town Sandefjord. In Dec. 1934 a small landslip broke a slope along a rivulet. The wasted area amounted to 1000 sq. m. In the spring of the next year another slip occurred. In ...
    • Lerfall på Fallaksøy, Nedre Eiker. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (166), Journal article, 1946)
      This landslip occurred in March 1936. Fallaksøy island is situated in the Drammen river between Mjøndalen and Drammen. The landslip broke into the river through a 40 m broad opening. Inside the opening the slided area ...
    • Lerfall ved Kleivbogen, Botne. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (166), Journal article, 1946)
      About 10.30 in the morning of the 12th January, 1937 a landslip took place at Kleivbogen, near the town Holmestrand. A highway slid into the fjord, and a breakage of the Larvik railway near the road was impending. Two men ...
    • Lerfall ved Ness i Harran. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (166), Journal article, 1946)
      A very big landslip, the biggest one in our country during the period here dealt with occurred on the beach of the Namsen river. It happened a few hundred m upstreams from the bridge Ness. There were no witnesses to the ...
    • Lerfall ved Roel, Innerøy. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (166), Journal article, 1946)
      Innerøy is situated on the South-Eastern shore of Borgenfjord, a branch of Trondheimsfjord. The slip occurred in the afternoon of the 24th of April 1937. A road near the beach was destroyed by the slide over a distance of ...