Now showing items 567-586 of 1064

    • Nissedalens jernmalmforekomst (i Thelemarken) 

      Vogt, Johan H.L. (NGU (17), Journal article, 1895)
      Forkortet: Diese Abhandlung bespricht ein besonders durch seinen ausserordentlich hohen Apatitrechtum ausgezeichnetes Eisenerzlager in Nissedal in Telemark, im s\u00FCdlichen Norwegen. Die Apatitbeimischung steigt gelegentlich ...
    • Nitrate contamination of groundwater in the Republic of Lithuania 

      Paukstys, Bernardas; Klimas, Algirdas (NGU Bulletin (424), Journal article, 1993)
      In many countries nitrate contamination of groundwater has become a serious ecological problem and Lithuania is no exception.In fact,irrational, unbalanced development of the economy coupled with specific geological and ...
    • Noen glasifluviale isrand-avsetninger i den sydlige del av Glomma- vassdragets (nåværende) dreneringsområde. Med en del berggeologisk-morfologiske data fra de nordlige Øyeren-traktene. 

      Holtedahl, Olaf (NGU; Skrifter (306; 11), Journal article, 1974)
      The present paper represents more or less a continuation of the writer's publication from 1924, which mainly dealt with the northern Romerike district of southeastern Norway, from Jessheim to Lake MjThe present paper ...
    • Noen iakttagelser fra Grønsennknipa i Vestre Slidre, Valdres. 

      Holtedahl, Olaf (NGU (205), Journal article, 1959)
      In 1916 V.M. Goldschmidt published a well-known paper dealing with the conglomerates of the so-called \"Valdres Sparagmite\", a sedimentary series of mostly arkosic character which over large areas of the central part of ...
    • Noen isavsmeltningsfenomener i Østerdalen. 

      Oftedahl, Chr. (NGU (188), Journal article, 1954)
      Some features from the melting of the inland ice in Østerdalen: A few of the more large-scale features formed by melting water of the last ice sheet are described. The last part of the inland ice filled the valleys in the ...
    • Noen kvartærgeologiske iakttagelser i Lakselvdalen, Finnmark. 

      Skålvoll, Harald (NGU (211), Journal article, 1960)
      Some observations of quaternary deposits in Lakselvdalen, Finnmark: Glacial striae and erratics show that the ice has moved from south to north. Ground moraine, dead ice moraine, marine and glacial-fluvial deposits occur. ...
    • Noen observasjoner fra grunnfjellsområdet mellom Randafjorden og svenskegrensen. 

      Hjelle, Audun (NGU (223), Journal article, 1963)
      Precambrian rocks from the area west and east of Mjøsa, South Norway, are described, and modal analyses presented. The main regional divisions are from west to east: Grey plagioclase gneisses, the main granite-mylonite ...
    • Noen stratigrafiske aldersspørsmål i Grong-feltet og den sydøstlige del av Helgeland. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (223), Journal article, 1963)
      Some years ago the present writer described the geology and stratigraphy of the district along the Swedish border between 64 50' and 60 45' N (Strand 1953, 1955, Foslie og Strand 1956). In these districts and in adjacent ...
    • Nogle bemerkninger om Nordlands amts geologi 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (4), Journal article, 1891)
      Forkortet: The two first landscapes are from the granite mountains of Lofoten. The illu- stration p.141 shows the gabbro mountain Sulitjelma. The illustrations p.142, 145 are from the region of the Cambrian-Silurian schists. ...
    • Nogle bemerkninger om Tromsø amts geologi. (Efter Karl Pettersens arbeider) 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (4), Journal article, 1891)
      Forkortet: This paper contains an explanation of the points where Pettersen differs from Dahll regarding the supposed Cambrian-Silurian schists. The illustrations p. 114, 115 are from the great mountain chain of gabbro to ...
    • Nogle bidrag til forstaaelsen af, hvorledes Norges dale og fjelde er blevne til 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (32), Journal article, 1901)
      Forkortet: Up to the present, the relief of Norway has not been understood sufficiently to allow of a satisfactory explanation being given of even the most salient features, such as the contrast between plateau and valley, ...
    • Nogle notiser fra Sigdal og Eggedal 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (37), Journal article, 1904)
      Forkortet: The valley of Sigdal (dal means valley) with its continuation in Eggedal are situated to the West of Christiania in Southern Norway. The rocks are Archaean gneiss and granite with some gabbro. At the northwestern ...
    • Nogle optegnelser fra Andøen 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (36), Journal article, 1902)
      Forkortet: Appendix, by Dr. Reusch. At the Southern border of the coal field one finds, that the Jurassic deposits are separated from the Archæan by faultlines. Studies of the rocks both in the solid parts and in the loose ...
    • Nogle optegnelser fra Værdalen 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (32), Journal article, 1901)
      Forkortet: About 12.30 A.M. on the 19th May 1893 occurred the great landslip in Verdal which had the effect of concentrating the attention to the whole country upon that valley for several weeks. The little sketch map ...
    • Nordre Etnedal. Beskrivelse til det geologiske gradteigskart 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (152), Journal article, 1938)
      Cambrian and Ordovician formations: Apart from the Synnfjell Sandstone, the rocks in the southern part of the area consist of marine deposits of Cambrian and Ordovician age, forming an extension of the corresponding deposits ...
    • Nordre Femund. Beskrivelse til det geologiske rektangelkart. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (144), Journal article, 1935)
      The rocky ground is both in the valleys and on the greater parts of the mountain wilds covered by glacial drift, and is therefore visible only to a minor extent. On the summits the rock is more uncovered, but here it is ...
    • Norges bergverksdrift 

      Vogt, J.H.L. (NGU (70), Journal article, 1914)
    • Norges geologiske undersøgelses aarbog for 1891 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (1), Journal article, 1891)
      Graptolitførende skifere i vestre Gausdal av Knut O.Bjørlykke. Foreløbige meddelelser fra reiser i Mjøsegnene, utførte for den geologiske undersøgelse sommeren 1898 av Ths. M\u00FCnster. En nyfunden flek af primordial i ...
    • Norges geologiske undersøgelses udstilling i Bergen 1898 

      Bjørlykke, Knut O. (NGU (26), Journal article, 1898)
      \"Kart over Norges malmforekomster\" med grafisk fremstilling af \"Norges bergverksdrift 1850-97\" av Johan H.L.Vogt. Kart over Norges sten- og mineralindustri av Carl F.Kolderup.
    • Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (70), Journal article, 1914)
      The Geological Survey of Norway. A short account of the history of the Survey.