Now showing items 724-743 of 1064

    • Radon content in groundwater from drilled wells in the Stockholm region of Sweden 

      Knutsson, Gert; Olofsson, Bo (NGU Bulletin (439), Journal article, 2002)
      Radon is the most important contribution to the radioactivity in groundwater and has been studied for different reasons during the last hundred years in Sweden, in later time focused on radon as a health problem. Based on ...
    • Raipas og kaledon i strøket omkring Repparfjord, Vest-Finnmark. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (183), Journal article, 1952)
      In the Repparfjord area rocks of the Precambrian Raipas System occur in an inlier, which is directly overlain by allochtonous Caledonian rocks with a tectonic unconformity. Any autochtonous Eocambrian and younger sediments ...
    • Rana gruber. Geologisk beskrivelse av jernmalmfeltene i Dunderlandsdalen. 

      Bugge, Jens A.W. (NGU (171), Journal article, 1948)
      (forkortet) The mining company A\/S Rana Gruber has made extensive exploration of the iron ore deposits in Dunderlandsdalren under the leadership of mining engineer Worm Lund and. The field work comprises the following ...
    • Rana. Beskrivelse til det geologiske generalkart. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (136), Journal article, 1932)
      The present book forms a continuation of earlier appeared geological descriptions of the general maps Vega, Træna, Hatfjelldal and Salta all on a scale of 1:250 000. The general map Rana borders to the east to Sweden and ...
    • Ras i Mikvoldmelen, Værdalsøren. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (166), Journal article, 1946)
      A river steep of considerable length and height is situated on the right hand of the Værdal river at its mouth in the Trondheim fjord. Consisting og loose materials, an upper layer of sand and a lower one of sandy clay, ...
    • Ras i Nydalen. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (166), Journal article, 1946)
      On the 12th of Dec. 1934 the road to Maridalen near Oslo slid over a distance of 50 m. After a rainy autumn a freshly made, high foundation of sand fell doen the steep slope to Maridal river, carrying along stones, gravel ...
    • Ras ved Jonsrud på Feiringveien. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (166), Journal article, 1946)
      In the vicinity of Jonsrud on the beach of lake Mjøsa, the road is built in a steep slope about 30 m above the level. Here the road surveyor in the autumn of 1935 observed fissures through the ground. On the 23rd of September ...
    • Rb-Sr age of the Blåfjellhatten granite in the Olden Window, Central Norway. 

      Fossen, Haakon; Nissen, August L. (NGU Bulletin (420), Journal article, 1990)
      Rb-Sr isotope whole-rock dating of undeformed and unaltered parts of the Blåfjellhatten granite has yielded an isochron age of 1356 +- 29 Ma with I.R.=0.7254 +-0.0027, interpreted as the age of intrusion. This age contrasts ...
    • Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd relationship in dyke and sill intrusions in the Oslo Rift and related areas. 

      Sundvoll, B.; Larsen, B.T. (NGU Bulletin (425), Journal article, 1993)
      Eighteen dykes and three sills from the Oslo Rift and related areas in SW Sweden have been investigated by the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd methods. Rb-Sr isochron ages in the range 287 to 248 Ma were obtained for twelve of the dykes. ...
    • Rb-Sr dating of strain-induced mineral growth in two ductile shear zones in the Western Gneiss Region of Nord-Trøndelag, Central Norway. 

      Piasecki, M.A.J.; Cliff, R.A. (NGU Bulletin (413), Journal article, 1988)
      In the Bjugn district of the northern part of the Western Gneiss Region,Nord-Trøndelag, a basement gneiss - cover nappe boundary is marked by a thickzone of ductile shearing, in which a layer-parallel mylonitic fabric ...
    • Rb-Sr isochron age of Caledonian acid volcanics at Stord, western Norway. 

      Torske, Tore; Priem, Harry N.A. (NGU (300), Journal article, 1973)
      An eight-point Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron from Caledonianrhyolites at Stord in western Norway defines an age of 455 +- 5 m.y.and an initial 87Sr\/86Sr of 0.7071 +- 0.00018. This places thevolcanism in the Upper Ordivicium, ...
    • Rb-Sr isotope systematics in the magmatic rocks of the Oslo rift. 

      Sundvoll, Bjørn; Larsen, Bjørn, T. (NGU Bulletin (418), Journal article, 1990)
      Fifty-one different units of Oslo Rift magmatic rocks have been investigated by the Rb-Sr isotope method. Isochron ages obtained for all but three of the units vary between 295 Ma and 240 Ma. The ages from the southern ...
    • Rb-Sr study of rapakivi granite and augen gneiss of the Risberget Nappe, Oppdal, Norway. 

      Krill, Allan G. (NGU (380), Journal article, 1983)
      Rb-Sr dating of rapakivi granite and associated augen gneiss of the Risberget Nappe suggests that the rocks are post-Svecokarelian intrusions that were strongly foliated during Caledonian orogeny. Microstructures of the ...
    • Rb-Sr, U-Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic dates from Precambrian rocks of Finnmark. 

      Lindahl, Ingvar; Krill, Allan G.; Bergh, Steffen (NGU Bulletin (403), Journal article, 1985)
      Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd whole-rock dates, and Rb-Sr biotite dates are presented forpre-Caledonian rocks of Finnmarksvidda, the Alta-Kvænangen window. andSørvaranger. A Sm-Nd whole-rock date of 2085+-85 Ma was obtained from koma-tiites ...
    • Recent changes in environmental conditions in the southwestern Kattegat, Scandinavia 

      Christiansen, Christian; Pedersen, Anette M.; Lund-Hansen, Lars C.; Laima, Mario J.C.; Kunzendorf, Helmar (NGU Bulletin (430), Journal article, 1996)
      Short cores (20-30 cm) were taken from two sites in the southwestern Kattegat at similar water depths )<20 m; under the pycnocline but with different exposures and resuspension rates ( gross sedimentation rates: 3419 and ...
    • Recent observations on the southern shore of Skjervøy and the opposite coast of Kågen. 

      Hooper, P.R.; Lewis, D.; Pearson, D.E. (NGU (255), Journal article, 1968)
    • Recent sediment accumulation in the Norwegian Channel, North Sea 

      van Weering, Tjeerd C.E.; Okkels, Ellen; de Haas, Henk (NGU Bulletin (430), Journal article, 1996)
      In the Norwegian Channel 35 box cores were taken for sedimentological analysis, and 210Po a- and137Cs y-spectroscopy to determine sedimentation rates. Grain sizes were determined and X-ray photographs of the cores were ...
    • Recent sedimentation rates across the Norwegian Trough 

      Kunzendorf, Helmar; Paetzel, Matthias; Longva, Oddva (NGU Bulletin (430), Journal article, 1996)
      From the systematic sampling of 20 stations of the Norwegian part of the Skagerrak in 1993, six cores were chosen for determination of recent sedimentation rates by the lead-210 method and verifications by Cs-137 depth ...
    • Reconnaisance of the Tømmerås Anticline. 

      Peacey, Janet Springer (NGU (227), Journal article, 1964)
      A granitic basement dome, overlain with unconformity by Palaeozoic and perhaps Eocambrian rocks, is described. The flat-lying \"leptites\" and intercalated sediments, which comprise the basement, were little affected by ...
    • Reconnaissance studies of gneisses, ultrabasites, eclogites and anorthosites in Outer Nordfjord, Western Norway. 

      Bryhni, Inge (NGU (241), Journal article, 1966)
      A reconnaissance map of the geology of Outer Nordfjord is presented with some new structural and petrographic data. Mesoscopic folds have often steep axes or curved axial planes which indicate rather plastic type of ...