• Fem avhandlinger skrevne i anledning av Norges jubilæumsutstilling 1914 

      Ukjent forfatter (NGU (70), Journal article, 1914)
      NGU, 1914, vol.70, s.5-11. Sammendrag s.71 Tekst til geologisk oversigtskart over det sydlige Norge. Maalestokk 1:1 000 000 av W.Werenskiold. NGU, 1914, Vol.70, s.13-35. Sammendrag s.71. Geologisk beskrivelse til kartene ...
    • Field relations and geochemical evolution of the Gothian rocks in the Kvamsøy area, southern Western Gneiss Complex, Norway 

      Skår, Øyvind (NGU Bulletin (437), Journal article, 2000)
      The igneous rocks of the Kvamsøy area in the southern parts of the Western Gneiss Complex (WGC) of Norway comprise a wide variety of granitic, syenitic. granodioritic and gabbroic compositions and formed in the interval ...
    • Fjeldstrøget mellem Saldalen og Dunderlandsdalen. 

      Rekstad, Johan (NGU (67), Journal article, 1913)
      Forkortet:The region described is situated in the interior of Northern Norway between66\u00B0 30' and 67\u00B0N, and to the east of the Territory treated in The Geology ofNorthern Helgeland, NGU Nr.62.The stratified rocks, ...
    • Fjellkjedestudier i den østlige del av Troms. 

      Vogt, Thorolf (NGU (248), Journal article, 1967)
      In 1915, Thoralf Vogt tavelled along the eastern margin of the Caledonian mountain range from Tornetr\u00E4sk in Norrbotten through Troms (Norway) and the adjacent regions of Sweden and Finland to Nordreisa (in the ...
    • Flåt nickel mine. 

      Bjørlykke, Harald (NGU (168b), Journal article, 1947)
    • Foraminifera in late quaternary deposits from the Oslofjord area. 

      Feyling-Hanssen, Rolf W. (NGU (225), Journal article, 1964)
      Approximately 2500 core samples from 130 borings, 4 m to 40 m deep, in Late Quaternary (latest Allerød through Sub-Atlantic) clay deposits in the Oslofjord area in southeastern Norway were investigated micropaleontologically. ...
    • Foraminiferfaunaen i en del sedimentkjerner fra indre Oslofjord. 

      Risdal, Dag (NGU (224), Journal article, 1963)
      Undersøkelsen er basert på 13 korte sedimentkjerner tatt på forskjellige lokaliteter og dyp i indre del av Oslofjorden. Målet har vært å studere og sammenligne den historiske utvikling av foraminferfaunaen, samt den arts- ...
    • Foraminiferfaunaens relasjon til dybdeforholdene i Oslofjorden, med en diskusjon av de senkvartære foraminifersoner. 

      Risdal, Dag (NGU (226), Journal article, 1964)
      I de sen- og postglaciale marine sedimenter i Oslofjordområdet finnes en rik representasjon av benthoniske småforaminiferer. Gjennom studier av disse, foretatt av Feyling-Hanssen (1945 a, b; 1957, 1963 og 1964), er det ...
    • Foraminiferfaunaens relasjon til dybdeforholdene i Oslofjorden, med en diskusjon av de senkvartære foraminifersoner. 

      Risdal, Dag (NGU (226), Journal article, 1964)
      Hovedvekten i arbeidet er lagt på et bathygrafisk studium av foraminiferfaunaen i Oslofjorden, ved at det er tatt prøver i en del profiler i forskjellige deler av fjorden - fra grunt til dypt vann. Foraminiferfaunaene i ...
    • Forekomster av tillitt på nordsiden av Atnsjøvinduet, Syd-Norge. 

      Ilebekk, S.; Siedlecka, Anna (NGU (373), Journal article, 1982)
      A previously reported tillite-like conglomerate occurring on the northern side of the Atnsjø Window rests with an erosional contact on Precambrian granite and gabbro and is overthrust by fieldspathic metasandstones of the ...
    • Foreløbige meddelelser fra reiser i Mjøsegnene, udførte for den geologiske undersøgelse sommeren 1889 

      Münster, Ths. (NGU (1), Journal article, 1891)
      Forkortet: The sheet of our maps, named Lillehammer, sketched on pag. 18 is the southern continuation of the sheet \"Gausdal\" surveyed by Mr. Bjørlykke (at the southernmost border together with the present author). From ...
    • Foreløpige meddelelser fra kartbladet Essandsjø. 

      Bjørlykke, Unni (NGU (223), Journal article, 1963)
      A symposis is given of 4-5 weeks of field work in the Sylene area, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway, in the eastern part of the Cambro-Silurian geosyncline of Trondhjemsfeltet. Previous investigations are reffered to. The rocks in ...
    • Foreløpige meddelelser fra kartbladet Verdal. 

      Wolff, Fredrik Chr. (NGU (211), Journal article, 1960)
      A preliminary report on the Verdal map area: The Verdal amp area, a part of the Trondhjem region, has been investigated. The present paper is a preliminary report. The investigation shows the following stratigraphical ...
    • Forsøk på kromatografisk bestemmelse av (ca.Mg)-karbonater. 

      Hjelle, Audun (NGU (213), Journal article, 1961)
      A brief description of a chromatographic method to determine the approximate Ca and Mg content of (Ca, Mg) carbonates is given.
    • Fortsetter Horrsjøbergets sedimentserie inn i Norge? 

      Bryn, Knut Ørn (NGU (215), Journal article, 1962)
      An erratic quartizitic boulder, rich in kyanite, was found at Storsjøen, N. Odal, Southern Norway. The boulder also contains lazulite, rutile, pyrite and svanbergite. Lazulite and svanbergite have not been reported from ...
    • Fossiler fra Smølen 

      Holtedahl, Olaf (NGU (69), Journal article, 1915)
      Forkortet: In the following the author describes a few fossils from a limestone of a some- what crystalline character from the island of Smøla. Fossils are very rarely found in this part of Norway, on account of the ...
    • Fossilførende sedimenter ved Skudenes. 

      Isachsen, Fridtjov (NGU (155), Journal article, 1940)
      The southern part of the island Karmøy (Western Norway, between Stavanger and Haugesund) displays a varying complex of slightly metamorphic sediments and igneous rocks: besides gabbro, there occur conglomerates, \"fragmental ...
    • Fossils from pebbles in the Biskopåsen Formation in Southern Norway. 

      Spjeldnæs, Nils (NGU (251), Journal article, 1967)
      Fossils are reported from pebbles in the lowest part of the Biskopåsen Conglomerate in the Late Precambrian Lillehammer Subgroup at the norhtern end of lake Mjøsa in Southern Norway. The most common and widespread fossils ...
    • Fossils from the Ordovician "Upper Hovin Group" (Caradoc-Ashgill), Trondheim Region, Norway 

      Neuman, Robert B.; Pojeta Jr., John; Bruton, David L. (NGU Bulletin (432), Journal article, 1997)
      The 'Upper Hovin Group' on the downthrown side of the Horg Fault between the Orkla and Gaula rivers contains rocks of both Late Caradoc and Early Ashgill age, determined from fossils from eight localities. The older part ...
    • Fotogeologi 

      Siggerud, Thor (NGU (205), Journal article, 1959)
      The use of air photos for geological interpretation is described. A short introduction to photogrammetry is given, and the types of instruments useful for photogeology are mentioned.