• I. Fra indre Helgeland. Fjeldbygningen og bergartene samt bemerkninger om bergverksdriften 

      Oxaal, John (NGU (59), Journal article, 1911)
      Forkortet: Helgeland, the southern part of the district of Nordland, it situated between about 65\u00B0 and 66 1\/2\u00B0 N. Some of the inner parts of this great district were the object of the author's investigations ...
    • I. Rendalens bræsjø 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (79), Journal article, 1916)
      The present paper forms a supplement to the author's: Ice-dammed lakes of Northern Østerdal, NGU nr. 73. The lowest sete-building lake in the Glommen valley has extended its branches into the valleys Rendalen, Tydalen and ...
    • Iagttagelser fra bræer i Sogn og Fjordane 

      Rekstad, Johan (NGU (34), Journal article, 1901)
      Forkortet: In the valleys in front of the Norwegian glaciers, there are nearly always great plains of sand and gravel, which the glacial streams have deposited. Om pp. 4 to 8, this is instanced by an account of the fluvial ...
    • Iagttagelser fra en reise i Finmarken 1890 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (4), Journal article, 1891)
      Forkortet: In the first part of this paper the author describes the solid rocks, beginning with the East. Near the Russian frontier is the Varanger fiord (map.p.26). From the country south of this fiord only stray observations ...
    • Iakttagelser fra Rektangelbladet Kragerø og Den store Grunnfjellsbreksje. 

      Bugge, Arne (NGU (229), Journal article, 1965)
    • Igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Øksfjord area, Vest-Finnmark. Eruptive og metamorfe bergarter i Øksfjordområdet, Vest-Finnmark. 

      Krauskopf, Konrad B. (NGU (188), Journal article, 1954)
      The principal rock of the Øksfjord area is gabbro gneiss, in hand specimen having the appearance of ordinary igneous gabbro but in the field showing conspicuous layering. Thick layers of syenite and thin layers of anorthosite ...
    • II. Geologiske iagttagelser fra nordvestsiden av Hardangerfjord 

      Rekstad, Johan (NGU (59), Journal article, 1911)
      Forkortet:The region described is situated in Western Norway on the NW-side of theHardangerfjord between 60\u00B0 6' and 60\u00B0 40' N. At the close of the Ice Age theland lay lower than at present. Raised beaches and ...
    • II. Kalkstenshuler i Ranen 

      Oxaal, John (NGU (69), Journal article, 1914)
      Forkortet: In the district of Rana in Northern Norway (about 66 1\/2\u00B0 N) we have some of the most important layers of limestone and dolomitic limestone in Norway. Grønligrotten (the situation shown on map p.4) is ...
    • II. Om isskillet i trakten omkring Fæmund 

      Schiøtz, O.E. (NGU (68), Journal article, 1913)
      Forkortet: As Hørbye first pointed out, the erratic blocks in the region around Femunden show that the ice of E of a line from Sorkvola to Tufsingdal has moved north- wards, while the movement W of that line has been ...
    • II. Sørfolden-Riksgrænsen 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (79), Journal article, 1917)
      The present paper is a text to the maps \"Sørfolden\" and \"Riddoalgge\" situated in Nordland between 67o20' and 67o40' N. The geological surveys were made during the summers of 1914, 15 & 16. The annexed map is a reduction ...
    • III. Fra Tryssil 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (68), Journal article, 1913)
      Forkortet: It is a pecularity of the border line of Southern Norway, that it makes a bend into Sweden North of the 60th parallel. The region within this bend is the district of Trysil. The geology here is not very intricate, ...
    • III. Geologiske Iagttagelser fra Mo prestegjæld i Nordlands amt sommeren 1910 

      Carstens, C. W. (NGU (59), Journal article, 1911)
      Forkortet: Die Abhandlung enthallt die Resultate einer im Sommer 1910 ausgefuhrten Untersuchung dreier Gebiete im Amt Nordland sudlich vom Polarcirkel.
    • III. Kalksten fra Nordland 

      Rekstad, Johan (NGU (69), Journal article, 1914)
      Some analyses of limestones from Northern Norway are given. They show that the percentage of carbonate of Magnesium (MgCO3) is small in several of these lime- stones. They may therefore be used in the industries of carbide ...
    • III. Kvartsstrøket mellem Bodø og Folden 

      Rekstad, J. (NGU (79), Journal article, 1917)
      It is a part of the coast-region in Northern Norway which is here described. It lies to the east of the Vestfjord between 67 degrees 20' and 67 degrees 40' N. The mountainous island of Landegode consists of granite. This ...
    • Ildfaste oksyders fysikalske kemi. Oversigt over nyere præcisions- undersøkelser 

      Andersen, Olaf (NGU (101), Journal article, 1922)
      In the present paper an attempt is made to summarize briefly the most reliable results of recent high temperature investigations of refractory oxides. As practically all the exact work in this field is done at the Geophysical ...
    • Implication of isotope data on the metamorphism of the basic volcanites from the Sjangeli Window, northern Sweden 

      Romer, Rolf L. (NGU Bulletin (415), Journal article, 1989)
      The Lower Proterozoic supracrustal rocks of the Sjangeli area form an approximately N-S striking belt. The supracrustal belt consists of three metamorphosed volcanic and volcanosedimentary units, which are intercalated ...
    • In-situ groundwater flow measurements as a tool for hardrock site characterisation within the SKB programme. 

      Gustafsson, Erik; Morosini, Mansueto (NGU Bulletin (439), Journal article, 2002)
      In many cases, groundwater flow governs hydrochemical conditions and transport of contaminants. Groundwater flow rates are also a very essential input to risk assessment and a general understanding of the hydraulic system, ...
    • Industrial mineral quality of limestone; the effect of contact metemorphism on textural properties, brightness and geochemistry 

      Kjølle, Idunn (NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)
      When carbonate are altered by contact metamorphism the industrial mineral quality of the rock can be affected. Based on two contrasting limnestone units from Oslo Rift, Norway, a study has been made of the impact that ...
    • Industrial minerals - towards a future growth 

      Karlsen, Tor-Arne; Sturt, Brian (NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)
      The Norwegian mineral industry has shown pronounced growth in recent years, and production and export of industrial minerals (sensu stricto), aggregates and dimension stone have all increased, whilst the production and ...
    • Inferred Mesozoic faulting in Finnmark: current status and offshore links 

      Roberts, David; Lippard, Stephen J. (NGU Bulletin (443), Journal article, 2005)
      An earlier compilation of the post-Caledonian fault system in the Caledonian domain of Finnmark is reassessed in thelight of more recent diverse data acquired from a combination of general geology onshore, well data and ...