• Har Jæren vært dekket av en Skagerak-bre? Er "Skagerak-morenen" en marin leire? 

      Andersen, Bjørn G. (NGU (228), Journal article, 1964)
      Jæren is a low plain on the coast of southwestern Norway. This plain is covered with relatively thick Quaternary deposits including a very bouldary W\u00CFrm till on top of calcareous clays and stratified sand and gravel. ...
    • Harstad. Beskrivelse til det berggrunnsgeologiske gradteigskart M 8 - 1:100 000 (med fargetrykt kart) 

      Gustavson, Magne (NGU; Skrifter (309; 14), Journal article, 1974)
      From a structural point of view the bedrocks of the map area can be subdivided into 1. Precambrian basement (autochthonous), and 2. Allochthonous Caledonian units. The Caledonian sequence embraces a) The lowermost over-thrust ...
    • Håfjellsmulden i Ofoten og dens sedimentære jern-mangan-malmer. Søndre Ofotens malmforekomster II. 

      Foslie, Steinar (NGU (174), Journal article, 1949)
      The sedimentary hematite-magnetite ores of marine origin, occurring within the crystalline mica schists of the caledonian mountain of Northern Norway, belong to a characteristic type of iron ore deposits, internationally ...
    • Heavy-mineral provinces in southern Skagerrak and northern Kattegat 

      Bengtsson, Henrik; Stevens, Rodney L. (NGU Bulletin (430), Journal article, 1996)
      Detailed heavy-mineral studies of the bottom sediment in the Skagerrak-Kattegat area have not been previously reorted. The heavy-mineral suite in the very- fine-sand fraction (63-125um) is dominated (70-91%) by amphibole, ...
    • Hellemobotn og Linnajavrre. Geologisk beskrivelse til kartbladene. 

      Foslie, Steinar (NGU (150), Journal article, 1942)
      The situation of the maps is shown on p. 6. They form the southern continuation of the map Tysfjord, recently described by the author (NGU no. 149). The petrology and chemistry of the rocks are reserved for a special paper. ...
    • Hemsedal og Gol. Beskrivelse til de geologiske gradteigskarter E32V og E32Ø. 

      Bugge, Carl (NGU (153), Journal article, 1939)
      The two accompanying maps cover a territory in the central part of Norway, between Hallingdal and Valdres. The district is built up of Caledonian highland formations and highland eruptives covering the sedimentary formations. ...
    • High-temperature ultramafic complexes in the North Norwegian Caledonides: I - Regional setting and field relationships. 

      Emblin, S.R.; Bennett, M.C.; Robins, B.; Yeo, W.J.A. (NGU Bulletin (405), Journal article, 1986)
      Forkortet.Four major (25-100 km\u00B2) ultramafic complexes were developed in the Sørøy Nappeduring the second phase of Finnmarkian deformation in the North NorwegianCaledonides. They were emplaced into layered mafic ...
    • Hosanger nikkelgruve. 

      Bjørlykke, Harald (NGU (172), Journal article, 1949)
      (forkortet) The Hosanger nickel deposits are situated on the western coast of southern Norway, about 20 km NE of Bergen. Nickel ore has been produced in 4 mines, Nonås, Litland, Lien I, Lien II Smith Meyers mine). The ...
    • Huse af granit 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (1), Journal article, 1891)
      Forkortet. Houses of granite. The Scottish manner of building is not unsuitable for Norway.
    • Hydrogeological investigation of water for export from Nordland county, Norway 

      Misund, Arve; de Caritat, Patrice; Banks, David (NGU Bulletin (427), Journal article, 1995)
    • Hydrogeology in the Romerike area, southern Norway 

      Jørgensen, Per; Østmo, Svein Roar (NGU Bulletin (418), Journal article, 1990)
      A hydrogeological model has been developed on the basis of field observat- ions and data collected during the International Hydrological Decade. From water balance studies it was found that half the annual precipitation ...
    • Hyolithus-sonens basale lag i Vest-Finnmark. 

      Holmsen, Per (NGU (195), Journal article, 1956)
      The basal layers of the \"Hyolithus-zone\" in western Finnmark: The \"Hyolithus- zone\" is a term which has been attached to the autochtonous Cambrian substratum of the Caledonides which can be followed from Laksefjord in ...
    • Høifjeldet mellem Vangsmjøsen og Tisleia (Valdres) 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (32), Journal article, 1901)
      Forkortet: This region lies in the midst of Southern Norway to the NNW of Oslo. The Valdres valley, shown on the maps, pp.86 and 87 stretches from the Vangsmjøs in the NW the Strandefjord in the SE. The bottom of this ...
    • Høifjeldskvartsens nordøstligste udbredelse 

      Bjørlykke, Knut O. (NGU (14), Journal article, 1894)
      The region treated of in this paper lies to the Northeast of the region described by Reusch in his paper: The region between Bygdin and Bang. Kjerulf has divided the sedimentary strata in central Norway is sparagmite ...
    • I. Den hvite granit i Sogn, geologisk optræden og tekniske egenskaper 

      Oxaal, John (NGU (68), Journal article, 1913)
      Forkortet: The white granite of Sogn in Western Norway, although for many years known and repeately called attention to be geologists, has only recently come into use as a building material to any extent. In this paper is ...
    • I. Fjeldstrøket mellem Lyster og Bøverdalen 

      Rekstad, Johan (NGU (69), Journal article, 1914)
      Forkortet: The tract of land here treated is situated in Southern Norway between Sogne- fjord and Bøverdal, at 61\u00B030'N and at 3\u00B0W of Oslo. The rocks of the region form the following sections: 1. Archaean gneiss ...
    • I. Fra indre Helgeland. Fjeldbygningen og bergartene samt bemerkninger om bergverksdriften 

      Oxaal, John (NGU (59), Journal article, 1911)
      Forkortet: Helgeland, the southern part of the district of Nordland, it situated between about 65\u00B0 and 66 1\/2\u00B0 N. Some of the inner parts of this great district were the object of the author's investigations ...
    • I. Rendalens bræsjø 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (79), Journal article, 1916)
      The present paper forms a supplement to the author's: Ice-dammed lakes of Northern Østerdal, NGU nr. 73. The lowest sete-building lake in the Glommen valley has extended its branches into the valleys Rendalen, Tydalen and ...
    • Iagttagelser fra bræer i Sogn og Fjordane 

      Rekstad, Johan (NGU (34), Journal article, 1901)
      Forkortet: In the valleys in front of the Norwegian glaciers, there are nearly always great plains of sand and gravel, which the glacial streams have deposited. Om pp. 4 to 8, this is instanced by an account of the fluvial ...
    • Iagttagelser fra en reise i Finmarken 1890 

      Reusch, Hans (NGU (4), Journal article, 1891)
      Forkortet: In the first part of this paper the author describes the solid rocks, beginning with the East. Near the Russian frontier is the Varanger fiord (map.p.26). From the country south of this fiord only stray observations ...