Hemsedal og Gol. Beskrivelse til de geologiske gradteigskarter E32V og E32Ø.
The two accompanying maps cover a territory in the central part of Norway, between Hallingdal and Valdres. The district is built up of Caledonian highland formations and highland eruptives covering the sedimentary formations. The district is traversed by several valleys cutting through the younger shales and sandstones, even into the Precambrian. The last mentioned formation consists of quartzites, gneises, porphyries, amphibolites and granites and is supposed to belong to the Telemarkian. The age of the Telemarkian is not yet completely fixed. It is commonly regarded as belonging to the younger Precambrian. In the district of Telemark, which is situated about 150 km to the south, the formation, besides the above mentioned rocks, contains shales and conglomerates. In subcambrian time the Telemarkian of Gol and Hemsedal was denudated to a peneplain on which the younger shales and sandstones are deposited, partly with a basal arcose. The younger groups are as follows: Valdres sparagmite, the youngest group. - Mellsenn group. - Phyllite group. - Sandstone shales, dark shales, sandstones. - Quartz sandstone, the oldest group.