Now showing items 81-100 of 1064

    • Beskrivelse av faunaen. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (155), Journal article, 1940)
      The fauna here reported from Karmøy is from a light often micaceous calcareous sandstone, the fossils occurring as rusty impressions and casts, mostly deformed and indistinct. Corals and crinoid stems occur in greatest ...
    • Beskrivelse til berggrunnsgeologisk kart over strøket Agdenes- Hemnefjord, Sør-Trøndelag. 

      Ramberg, Hans (NGU; Skrifter (299; 9), Journal article, 1974)
      The area consists of regional metamorphic gneisses and crystalline schists. Some of the rocks are of Cambrian-Ordovician age, others of Precambrian age. Examples on the former are flagstones (metamorphosed \"sparagmite\") ...
    • Beskrivelse til kartbladet Dønna 

      Rekstad, Johan (NGU (37), Journal article, 1904)
      Forkortet: This region is situated in the Northern part of the district of Helgeland between 66\u00B0 and 66\u00B0 20' N. A geological map in black is given on pages 4 and 5. The igneous rocks here are granites, gabbro and ...
    • Bidrag til Finmarkens geologi 

      Holtedahl, Olaf (NGU (84), Journal article, 1918)
      The present paper is a result of investigations carried out in the most northern district of Norway, during the summers 1914-17, the total amount of time spent in Finnmark being 23 weeks. The studies have been confined to ...
    • Bidrag til kundskaben om Nordlands amts geologi 

      Corneliussen, O.A. (NGU (4), Journal article, 1891)
      Forkortet: The author, who has done most of the field work in the greater part of Nordlands amt, for the preparation of the map, gives his observations at length, illustrating them with sections. The landscape p. 168 shows ...
    • Bidrag til Skudenessedimentenes geologi 

      Broch, O.A., Isascen, F., Isberg, O. and Strand. T. (NGU Bulletin (155), Journal article, 1940)
    • Bidrag til Sørlandets kvartærgeologi 

      Danielsen, Daniel (NGU (55), Journal article, 1910)
      Forkortet: The present paper contains some glaciological observations made in Nedenes amt and Lista og Mandal amt (Sørlandet) in the Southernmost part of Norway. The observations in Lista and Mandal amt have confined to ...
    • Big boulders of tillite rock in Porsanger, Northern Norway. 

      Føyn, Sven (NGU (247), Journal article, 1967)
      In 1959 numerous erratic boulders of tillite rock were discovered at the head of Austerbotn, the eastern arm of the Porsangerfjord. Some of the boulders are very big, having volumes of up to 20m3. In 1965 another two ...
    • Biotitt-søvitt på Stjernøy, Vest-Finnmark. 

      Strand, Trygve (NGU (183), Journal article, 1952)
      The island of Stjernøy is built up of a complex of gabbroid rocks, which in the valley of Fjellfinndalen (fig. 1) surrounds a body of chiefly calcite-biotite rock more than commonly rich in apatite, clearly of non-sedimentary ...
    • Blyglansforekomst på Krækkjeheia, Hardangervidda. 

      Skjeseth, Steinar; Vokes, Frank M. (NGU (200), Journal article, 1957)
      A lead deposit near Krækkjeheia, Hardangervidda. This short paper presents the main results of an investigation of a galenaspalerite showing on the mountain plateau of Hardangervidda, 160 kms. west of Oslo. The sulfides ...
    • Brachiopods and trilobites from the Ordovician Lower Hovin Group (Arenig/Llanvirn), Hølonda area, Trondheim Region, Norway: new and revised taxa and paleogeographic interpretation 

      Neuman, R.B.; Bruton, D.L. (NGU Bulletin (414), Journal article, 1989)
      Thirteen brachiopod and 13 trilobite taxa in 15 collections from the Hølonda Limestone and Nyplassen Formation of the Lower Hovin Group confirm the late Arenig-early Llanvirn age of these rocks. New monotypic and apparently ...
    • Brannerite, a new mineral in Norway. 

      Autenboer, Tony van; Skjerlie, Finn J. (NGU (200), Journal article, 1957)
      Ved urandundersøkelser på Modum, ble mineralet brannerit påvist for første gang i Norge. Der forekommer ved hovedveien 300 m vest for Haugfoss bru. Mineralet opptrer på mer eller mindre åpne sprekker i en presset grønnskifer ...
    • Bredemte sjøer eller subglaciale avsetninger? 

      Holmsen, Per (NGU (255), Journal article, 1968)
      The present paper is a criticism and a contradiction of J. Gjessing's theory (Gjessing, 1960, 1966) of a subglacial formation of deposits that are actually terraces and bottom sediments of a former glacial (ice-dammed) ...
    • Brerandstadier og avsmeltingsforhold i Repparfjord-Stabbursdal- området, Vest-Finnmark. En deglaciasjonsprofil fra fjord til vidde. 

      Marthinussen, M. (NGU (213), Journal article, 1961)
      The purpose of this article is given a description of two prominent active substages of the deglaciation period of the last ice-age in Finnmark, Northern Norway. The area concerned is situated on the peninsula between the ...
    • Brittle deformation history of fault rocks on the Fosen Peninsula, Trøndelag, Central Norway. 

      Grønlie, Arne; Roberts, David; Nilsen, Bjørn (NGU Bulletin (421), Journal article, 1991)
      Late and post-Caledonian fault deformation of rock units on the Fosen Peninsula follows a time sequence wherein lower crustal ductile deformation was followed by several episodes of brittle fragmentation, some with coeval ...
    • Building stone of central and southern Ethiopia: deposits and resource potential 

      Walle, Haileyseus; Heldal, Tom; Sintayehu, Zewde (NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)
      The bedrock geology of Ethiopia exhibits a variety of rock types that can potentially be developed for building stone production. The ETHIONOR project has so far included investigation of such resources in the southern and ...
    • Building-stone resources in Eritrea: results from introductory work in the NGU-EGS co-operation programme 

      Heldal, Tom; Yohannes, Ermias (NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)
      Several building-stone quarries and prospects in Eritrea were visited during September 1998, as a part of the Norwegian.Eritrean ERINOR co-operation project. The bedrock geology of Eritrea comprises a variety of rocks, of ...
    • Byssonychia? sp. från Karmøy. 

      Isberg, Orvar (NGU (155), Journal article, 1940)
      Material: Cast of bivlved specimen and some impressions of the exterior. Diagnosis: Equivalved, laterally very unsymmetrical, form elliptical, height greater than length. Margo cardinalis, the hinge line, straight, somewhat ...
    • Børgefjell. Beskrivelse til det berggrunnsgologiske gradteigskart J.19 - 1: 100 000 

      Gustavson, Magne (NGU; Skrifter (298 ; 8), Journal article, 1973)
      Three main structural units are present: 1. The Precambrian (Svecofennokarelian) basement of the Børgefjell Window. \". Low grade (greenschist facies) Lower Paleozoic rocks belonging to the Seve-Køli Nappe Complex. 3. The ...
    • C14-datings referring to shore lines, transgressions, and glacial substages in Northern Norway. (A supplement to papers of 1960 and 1961 by the author). 

      Marthinussen, M. (NGU (215), Journal article, 1962)
      Denne publikasjonen er en foreløpig meddelelse som i det vesentlige dreier seg om en serie C14-dateringer utført av R. Nydal ved Laboratoriet for Radiologisk Datering i Trondheim. Dateringene synes å gi viktige opplysninger ...