• Norges kvartærgeologi. En oversigt. 

      Bjørlykke, K.O. (NGU (65), Journal article, 1913)
      Forkortet:The first part contains an historical survey of the works of the Norwegianquaternary geologists in somewhat chronological order, commencing withJens Esmark (1763-1839), who as early as 1824 described the first ...
    • Norges molybdenforekomster. 

      Bugge, Arne (NGU (217), Journal article, 1963)
      The ore fields and individual deposits which are mentioned in the text are shown on the map, figure 2. For those areas where the deposits lie so close together that they cannot be shown separately on this map, detail maps ...
    • Norsk arsenmalm og arsenikfremstilling 

      Bugge, Carl; Foslie, Steinar (NGU (106), Journal article, 1922)
      The present paper is published by NGU as a report from \"Statens Raastofkomite\" on the emergency production of arsenic during the war when the supplies, ordinarily imported, were cut off. The paper also contains a synopsis ...
    • Norsk granit 

      Oxaal, John (NGU (76), Journal article, 1916)
      This work is a report of granite and the granite industry in Norway. It contains a description of the various fields of granite and similar rocks from a scientific as well as from a technical and economical standpoint. The ...
    • Norsk marmor 

      Vogt, Johan H.L. (NGU (22), Journal article, 1897)
      Forkortet: Diese Arbeit zerf\u00E4llt in vier Hauptabschnitte. 1. \u00DCber die Geologie des Marmors (S.4-18). 2. \u00DCber die wichtigsten Eigenschaften des Marmors, mit besonderer R\u00FCcksicht auf die norwegischen ...
    • Norske kilder. Meddelelse fra Vannboringsarkivet nr. 7. 

      Skjeseth, Steinar (NGU (203), Journal article, 1958)
      Norwegian springs may be divided into two main groups: A. Springs from Quaternary deposits. B. Springs from rock. Common types of springs from Quaternary deposits are shown in figs. 1-3. In areas covered by sea, during and ...
    • North Sea basinal area, Europe - an important oil and gas province. 

      Dunn, W.W. (NGU (316), Journal article, 1975)
      (Forkortet) The North Sea covers the offshore part of a major sedimentary basin which extends from Norway, Scotland, and Denmark across northern Germany and the Netherlands into eastern England. Information gained from ...
    • North Sea troughs and plate tectonics. 

      Whiteman, A.J.; Pegrum, R.M.; Naylor, D.; Rees, G. (NGU (316), Journal article, 1975)
      Interlinked roughly trilete-shaped predominantly sub-Upper Cretaceous trough systems extending north-south for more than 1200 km are described for the North Sea basin and the Northeast Atlantic. Palimpsest tectonic controls ...
    • Norwegian anorthosites and their industrial uses, with emphasis on the massifs of the Inner Sogn-Voss area in western Norway 

      Wanvik, Jan Egil (NGU Bulletin (436), Journal article, 2000)
      Anorthositic rocks are common in several geological provinces in Norway. Many occur at scattered localities in different parts of the country, but the two largest anorthosite complexes in western Europe are situated in ...
    • Note on "birds-eye" textures in some Norwegian pyrrhotite-bearing ores. 

      Sæbø, Per Chr.; Bjørlykke, Harald; Sverdrup, Thor L. (NGU (211), Journal article, 1960)
      Three specimens, one from Råna, Nordland County, one from Lillefjellklumpen, Grong, Nord-Trøndelag County and one from Karmøy, Rogaland County, have been examined in polished sections. They all show the typical \"birds-eye\" ...
    • Note on a molybdenite-dolomite-bearing pegmatite in Velfjord, Nordland, Norway. 

      Oftedahl, Christoffer (NGU (247), Journal article, 1967)
      A small area of basic gabbro occurs within the granodiorite pluton noth of Velfjord. In this gabbro was found a peculiar pegmatite dike, rich in molybdenite, and composed of quartz, albite, and dolomite as major minerals.
    • Note on gel structures in a pyrite bed, the Grong district. 

      Oftedahl, Christoffer (NGU (205), Journal article, 1959)
      I en kisblokk som ble funnet ved NGU's blokkleting vest for Tunnsjøen i Grongfeltet forekommer det gelstrukturer, se fig. 1 og 2. Slike strukturer anses i alminnelighet å tyde på syngenetisk dannelsesmåte, og de bekrefter ...
    • Note on stilbite from a pegmatite at Elveneset, Innhavet in Nordland county, northern Norway. 

      Sæbø, Per Chr.; Sverdrup, Thor L. (NGU (205), Journal article, 1959)
      Under vårt kartleggingsarbeid av pegmatittene i området rundt Drag i Tysfjord, Nord-Norge, sommeren 1958, fant vi stilbitt i en pegmatitt ved Elveneset, ca. 4 km syd for Innhavet. Mineralet ble funnet på vertikale Ø-V ...
    • Notes on the geology of an area west of Støren (the Trondheim region). 

      Chaloupsky, Josef (NGU (223), Journal article, 1963)
      In the paper a brief survey of the stratigraphy and structure of the Ordovician-Silurian sedimentary complexes in the western surroundings of Støren (the Trondheim region) is presented and some results of Prof. Th. Vogt's ...
    • Numerical modelling of an unconsolidated aquifer, Birkelandsmoen, Sauda, Southwest Norway 

      Segar, David (NGU Bulletin (432), Journal article, 1997)
      The aquifer formed by the fluvial deposit of the River Storelva at Sauda in Rogaland has been investigated by geophysical measurements, drilling, pumping and groundwater modelling techniques. This aquifer is being considered ...
    • Nyttbare sand- og grusforekomster i Syd-Norge. Del I: De geologiske betingelser for deres avsetning. 

      Holmsen, Gunnar (NGU (233), Journal article, 1965)
      The transport and deposition of gravel by glaciers and byglacier-fed streams during the deglaciation, have been principallyresponsible for the types of Quaternary deposits found in our country.This process is described in ...
    • Observations at Raipas miner, Alta, Finnmark. Iakttagelser ved Raipas gruve i Alta. 

      Vokes, F.M. (NGU (191), Journal article, 1955)
      Raipas gruve i Alta kommune er en gammel gruve som tilhørte det engelske gruveselskapet Alten Copper-works Ltd. i det 19de århundre. Den produserte 12500 tonn kobbermalm \u00C8 6,3% Cu i en 30 års periode, men har ikke ...
    • Oil-leakages on the Øvre Romerike aquifer, Southern Norway 

      Storrø, Gaute; Banks, David (NGU Bulletin (422), Journal article, 1992)
      Two leakages of, respectively 20 m3 and <10 m3 of fuel oil have been investi- gated at Trandum and Sessvollmoen, on Norway's Øvre Romerike aquifer. The hydrocarbon content of the unsaturated and saturated sediments, and ...